GBV Officer/Nurse – World Vision Ethiopia

Health Care
World Vision Ethiopia
World Vision’s work in Ethiopia contributes to the well-being of vulnerable children in partnership with the church, civil society and the government. Initiatives include education, food security, health, HIV and AIDS, water, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as sponsorship management. All programmes are implemented with the goal of addressing the strategic and basic needs of children while supporting and building the capacity of families and communities.
Duty station: Afar and Eastern Amhara
Duration of the Contract: Until 15 July 2022
Number of employees needed: Four (4)
Purpose of the position:
The GBV nurse will be responsible for carrying out trainings on Mental Health and psychological support and emotional resilience for front line health workers, orient community and religious leaders, Health Development armies and Health extension workers. The GBV nurse will be a member of MHNT to ensure community engagement prevention discrimination subjected to violence and prevention of sexual exploitations and abuse in outreach locations. S/he will be expected to work in collaboration with the district health offices, local stakeholders, staffs of World Vision and partners for effective implementation of the project activities. In addition, the position holder will also be expected to provide supervision, technical assistance and capacity building to health extension workers and health workers in health facilities. S/he will be responsible to strengthening of early identification, diagnosis, treatment and referral linkage of women subjected to Gender based violence.
. Ensure that TFP (OTP & SC) and TSFP (Food Distribution) sites established and activated for IYCF promotion, counseling, and support;
· Ensure establishment of one stop center and clinical rape management for GBV survives (documentations of injuries, treatment of injuries, evaluation of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and preventive care
· Coordinate screening, identification counseling, treatment and referral linkage of women subjected to violence
· Ensure the establishment of women- centered health response for women who have subjected to violence (PSEA, SGBV).
· Ensure community engagement prevention discrimination subjected to violence and prevention of sexual exploitations and abuse
Education: Clinic nurse, Midwifery, Clinical psychologies with proven experience in supervising, coaching and mentoring others with minimum of two years relevant experience for degree holders and four years of experience for Diploma holders. Additional certificate on, SGBV, GBV, MHPSS and clinical rape management is an asset.
Previous work experience at least 2 years as MHPSS, GBV with NGOs working in the area clinical rape management, emotional resilience’s for front line health workers , women center in emergency health response prevention of sexual exploitations and .