National Health and Nutrition Coordinator – SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia

Health Care, Natural Sciences, Water and Sanitation

SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia

SOS Children's Villages is the largest non-governmental, non-political, non-denominational charitable child welfare organisation in the world. Its mission is to build families for children in need, help them shape their own futures and share in the development of their communities. The first SOS Children's Village was founded by Hermann Gmeiner in 1949 in Imst, Austria. He was committed to helping children in need,children who had lost their homes, their security and their families as a result of the Second World War. With the support of many donors and co-workers, the organisation has grown to help children all over the world.

Currently, SOS Children's Villages offers an effective alternative foster care through its services in the Alternative Child Care and Family & Community Development Programme Units in 134 countries and territories around the world. It also supports educational programmes and medical centres and it is active in the field of child protection and child rights.


SOS Children's Villages started to work in Ethiopia in 1974 with the opening of the first SOS Children's Village in Mekelle. Currently, we are operating in Ethiopia in six regions namely Harari, Tigray, Amhara, Sidama, Somali and Oromia. In addition, we operate in two city administrations: Addis Ababa & Dire Dawa.  SOS Children’s Villages Programme work towards its vision of a world where, “every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security”. For the past 44 years, we have been working to build families for children in need, help them shape their own future and share in the development of their communities. Everything we do is based on the best interest of the child. We help vulnerable families care for their children, and we work to prevent the breakdown of parental care. When children lose their own parental care, we provide quality alternative care. We support young people in their efforts to become independent adults and succeed in life.

Who we are

SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia is an International Non-governmental organization and a member of SOS Children’s Villages International Federation. We started our humanitarian work in Ethiopia with the opening of our first Village in Mekelle, Northern part of Ethiopia in 1974. Since then, we have expanded our programs to different regions where there are significant needs for intervention and where we believe we can work in partnership with all relevant actors to bring sustainable positive outcomes for children’s and young people.

Today, we have grown significantly to meet the persistent challenges that confront Ethiopian children who have lost parental care and those that are at risk of losing their parental care. Working in close collaboration with international donors, local government and community based organizations across seven program locations; we aspire that every child grows up with love, respect and security.

Why we need you?

 We are looking for  the National Health and Nutrition Coordinator who will be responsible for the implementation of all components of the Emergency Nutrition provision of technical and professional support in the target communities’ project area and contribute to the delivery of effective and high-quality Emergency health and nutrition intervention. The position holder  is also expected to lead both the organization and this particular project to a new niche so SOC CVE can scale up its emergency Nutrition response where it is required. 

 What we provide?

 An amazing work environment that promotes personal growth through providing professional space to grow and advance your career!

 Your role?

While working with us a Health and Nutrition Coordinator you will be in charge of the following,


  • To participate in identifying MoH personnel, partner LNGO’s for collaboration in the implementation of the proposed project( nutrition, health, child protection and MHPSS) activities and/or technical training for management of acute malnutrition
  • To organize and carry out project kick offs (project sensitization workshops at the two Woredas) health and nutrition trainings for partners, especially MoH personnel where possible (e.g. technical workshops, training on SAM guidelines, IYCF-E and CBN guidelines, etc).
  • To follow up and provide ongoing technical support to the activities of the trained partners as well as the project officers recruited by this particular project.
  • Identify performance gaps and design interventions and develop action plans in collaboration with National Emergency Response manager and field coordinators to manage activities and improve the quality-of-service provision supported
  • Ensure quality of clinical and non-clinical service provision in SOS CVE supported health facilities (health posts and/or health centers) according to national, WHO or international standards through communication of standards, assessing and monitoring performance against standards and guiding and motivating staff to meet and maintain standard.
  • To participate in nutrition treatment program reports for external release, which are validated by National Emergency Response Manager and Tech. Advisor (consultant) and disseminated to the partner’s accordingly.
  • In coordination with the Field Project Coordinators, to co-facilitate the trainings and compile training reports.
  • Monthly activity report to be sent to National Emergency Response program Manager including the achievements of the team for the past month and objectives for the following month.
  • Donor reports: quarterly/interim and final reports submitted to the National Emergency Response program Manager.
  • Monthly partner reports (UNICEF, WFP)
  •  Attend relevant meetings and prepare meeting notes as required and share these with all concerned. 

 Program Management Grant Management

  •  Attend relevant meetings and prepare meeting notes as required and share these with all concerned
  • Ensure that emergency nutrition grant is implemented according to internal SOS CVE and donor regulations.
  • To participate in writing proposals for new projects and funding under the direction of the National Emergency Response Coordinator and Institutional Partnership Manger
  • Provide timely and quality inputs to project design and implementation through reviewing or developing need and progress assessment tools; writing proposal budget and narrative; and developing TOC/log-frames while working with the rest of the unit’s team
  • Support the team in use of grant management tools such as the budget tracking tools, activity progress monitoring tools, procurement plans, etc.
  • Support the National Emergency Response Coordinator for all health and nutrition projects in grant management including adherence of budget expenditure according to SOS CVE and donor regulation and participating in project review meeting.

Budget Monitoring

  • Ensure that grant budgets are spent according to plan and as per contractual agreements with the respective donors.
  • In collaboration with the Addis and field team review spending plans and monitor the implementation
  • Conduct monthly BVA reviews and make appropriate recommendations to the finance and logistics staff in Addis as well as to the field-based health staff.
  • Coordinate technical team inputs to, and directly provide inputs when needed to, project/budget amendments.
  • Work with finance to undertake budget recoding as required

       Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Ensure that the stated goals and objectives of projects overseen by the position are met with strong M&E follow up and reports are written and submitted to concerned bodies in a timely manner.
  • Participate in the design and delivery of robust M&E plans and design/adapt health information systems including surveillance systems for SOS CVE for the current and subsequent emergency nutrition related projects
  • Review reports prepared by field based project staffs (CMAM officers, IYCF-E/Breastfeeding counselor and data clerks) and provide appropriate feedback to the concerned staff.
  • Conduct regular project review meetings and joint supervision visit with local health authorities/expert and field-based health officers to assess the level of achievement of project targets for the various health grants.
  • In consultation with the Nutrition Advisor(consultant), plan the design implementation and dissemination of quality midline and end line evaluation reports(that incorporates a SMART methodology) for both internal and external users/consumption

  Representation & Coordination

  • To collaborate with local authorities and community for the acceptance of project and activities
  • To liaise with local authorities and project stakeholders such as MoH/RHB/RENCU personnel regularly, reporting to them and giving them updates on project commodities & activities.
  • To collaborate with the potential partners on the field (assessment and responses of CP related, MPHSS component of the project) to improve the coverage and the efficiency of the project.
  • To collaborate with the potential partner running CP component of this project to set-up and strengthen referral and treatment links of beneficiaries to health facilities (GBV and any cases that need psychosocial support).
  • To establish and oversee links with other facilities and projects in the area (for example, current health and nutrition projects/ NAME OF THE PROEJCT FROM TARIKU) where appropriate.
  • To collaborate with partners where possible (e.g. UNICEF, WFP etc in nutrition/health/flood assessments in the area that may have an impact on our programs).
  • To participate in humanitarian coordination particularly nutrition cluster meetings at regional level and where possible (at Federal level) in consultation with the National Emergency Response Coordinator and Field based Project Coordinators.
  • Represent SOS CVE/participate at TWGs, consortium meetings and national clusters at RMOH, RHBs, UNICEF/WFP and other stakeholders.
  • Represent SOS CVE on donor’s meetings in the absence of the National Emergency Response Coordinator and/or Humanitarian Action manager.

    Human Resource Management

  •  Participate in the staff development plans for project staff based on performance reviews in collaboration with the human resources department and contribute to the training of health staffs (mentoring, on-the-job sessions as well as formal trainings).
  • In consultation with the Field Project Coordinators and Admin & HR Coordinator, outline different job description (JD) review applicants and assist in the recruitment of qualified staffs necessary for this particular.


  • Responsible to ensure that all beneficiaries are receiving ongoing, age-appropriate verbal or written information in relevant languages about SOS Children’s Villages Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • Ensure that all support is provided on the best interest of the child.
  • Responsible to take part in raise awareness raising sessions and capacity building trainings in relation to CS and Code of Conduct and to prevent and protect children and young people from all forms of abuse, abandonment, exploitation, violence and discrimination
  • Support children and young people to make them understand the CS risks and protection mechanisms
  • Responsible to report any CS suspicion, concern, allegation or incident immediately, following Child Safeguarding reporting procedures. CS reports should be made to the CS team at programme level and/or to the respective line manager


  • To participate in the development of standard operating procedures(SOP) for implementation of health and nutrition projects, training manuals and field operation guidelines in collaboration with National Emergency Response Coordinator, Nutrition Advisor(consultant), and project coordinators
  • Other duties as assigned by the National Emergency Response Coordinator and Tech. Advisor (consultant)

Up for the challenge…

 Then check out our criteria’s:

 Must Criteria

  • Education: BA degree or Masters level in Public Health, Nutrition, or a related subject in Human Resources Management, Management, OD and related field of study
  • Experience:At least 7 years’ experience of working in nutrition and/or health programmes in a humanitarian context or emergency nutrition programing

Competencies – Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

  • Ability to write clear and well-argued assessments, project reports, and proposals
  • Proven ability of mentoring, coaching and training on health and nutrition subjects
  • Experience of senior level representation
  • Experience of developing and negotiating successful partnerships with institutional donors
  • Excellent communication skills, politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
  • Proven ability to influence change at an operational and strategic level.
  • A high level of written and spoken English
  • Demonstrated experience in proposal development, including practical experience with budgeting, logframe development, and writing of technical descriptions
  • Demonstrated experience supervising, managing, and providing technical support and assistance to field-based program/project staff
  • The capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes tough terrain working circumstances.

    Lead and core competencies

    Lead competency

  •  Role model: Act as a role model for the organization, living our values and inspiring and learning from others

  • Collaboration: Remove barriers to participation, share decision making and build partnerships

  •  Empowerment: Promote inclusion and equitable sharing of power

  • Strategic Thinking: Live the values and mission, setting realistic goals and translating them into actionable plans

                   Core competency

  • Kindness: Act with empathy towards everyone he/she works with.
  • Continuous Learning: Make an effort to learn, understand and grow as a person, admitting your own mistakes
  •  Inclusiveness: In any actions show respect and care for others
  • Initiative: speak up when things are not right, do not hesitate to act and adapt to change when necessary
  • Results Orientation: prioritize safeguarding, look for solutions and focus on desired results


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