Internal Audit Service Head – Bilal Microfinance Institution S.C

Accounting and Finance

Bilal Microfinance Institution S.C

Company Profile

Bilal Microfinance Institution S.C. is a full-fledge interest free microfinance institution established based on the NBE Directive No. MFI/32/2021 to provide sharia compliant and inclusive microfinance services that provide access to the community excluded from financial services due to interest

Purpose of the Job:

The purpose of Internal Audit Head position is to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control the functions of Internal Audit Service. She/he identifies financial and operational risk areas, reviews and appraises the internal control system within BMFI to give reasonable assurance on adherence to acceptable standards, policies, procedures, strategies and legal requirements. She/he also discloses growth areas and application problems and suggests applicable solutions for exceptions and problems disclosed. The Internal Audit Head provides regular advisory services to the CEO to ensure that BMFI’s resources are properly managed and utilized. S/he is responsible to confirm that all activities are free of corruption and favoritism and all resources are protected from theft and pilferage and utilized to the interest of stakeholders.

Terms of Employment: Permanent
Required No. : one
  • MA/B.A. Degree in Accounting 


  • 6/7 years of experience in internal auditing, of which 4 years on supervisory position. 
Technical Skills
  • Interest free banking and Basics knowledge of Shariah
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to coach staff in prioritizing workload whilst maintaining a high standard of work;
  • Fluency in English language and written communication;
  • Demonstrated technical and managerial ability, sound judgment, ability to work effectively with others at all levels;
  • Computer skills.

As per the Institution Salary Scale & Benefits Package


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