Expression of Interest for consultancy – Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO)

Social Sciences and Community
Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (CEHRO)
Terms of Reference (ToR) to conduct research on Business AND Human Rights in Ethiopian
With the vision of creating a platform for strong and vibrant human rights CSOs for the realization of human rights and democratic values in Ethiopia, the Consortium of Ethiopian Human Rights Organizations (Advocacy, constructive dialogue, and partnerships for actions. CEHRO is a membership organization with 17 voting and 3 associate members.
From its establishment, CEHRO has been determined and working for the advancement of human rights protection in Ethiopia by creating a common platform for human rights CSOs to articulate their voices and launch evidence-based advocacy. CEHRO works to expand the space for human rights CSOs and continue engagement with stakeholders’ building the capacity of existing and emerging human rights organizations to ensure effective human rights, democratic governance, and peace-building works.
The project & the Call
In contributing towards addressing the phenomenon of modern slavery, CEHRO in collaboration with AAE, PHE Consortium, & UWECA is implementing the project titled “Combating child labor exploitation, forced labor,& human trafficking”” with funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). This project will be implemented over three years from 17 Dec 2020 to 31 Dec 2023. It will be delivered at the national and regional level and will have activities directly implemented Kutaber and Harbu Woreda in Amhara regional sate and Soro and Hosana Woreda in SNNPR.
The project seeks to decrease the scale and prevalence of modern slavery. In particular, the project will focus on the respect of human rights in the business sector and how the business is contributing for the prevalence of child trafficking, forced labor, &exploitation at the same time its contribution for the prevention, and respect of human rights .
Accordingly, CEHRO is looking for competent consultant to conduct a research that assesses the respect of human rights in the business practices, and the adequacy of the legal frameworks to protect human rights, and also bring accountability when violations occurred.
Scope of the Work
The scope of this call is to conduct research that assesses “The Legal and Policy Regime of Business and Human Rights in Ethiopia ». The research should cover, but not be limited to the following issues:
- Assess whether there exists adequate International, national, and regional legal frameworks governing the responsibility of business sectors to protect human rights,
- Assess whether there are effective legal and institutional mechanisms protecting individuals from being abused by business organizations.
- Assess whether Ethiopia as a host of multinational organizations includes taking appropriate steps to prevent, investigate, punish and redress such abuse through effective policies, legislation, regulations, and adjudication,
- Provide concrete recommendations for effective guidance to business enterprises on how to respect human rights throughout their operations; encourage and require business enterprises to communicate how they address their human rights impacts
- Devise advocacy strategy and tools for CSOs and media for promoting businesses that respect, protect as well as advance human rights
The consultant is expected to develop the research methodology addressing key human rights and business issues, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions whenever necessary. Key informants should include organizations that incorporate the views of business owners, employees, National Human Rights institutions (NHRIs), Workers associations, CSOs working on labor rights, human rights, & concerned government stakeholders. The consultant is expected to present the research and the research will be prepared in English.
The consultant is expected to complete this assignment within forty five (45) days starting from the date of the award. The consultant is expected to deliver the research paper both in hard and soft copy.
Applicant Qualification
Interested firm or Individual Consultant in this assignment is required to have the following qualifications.
- At least a master’s degree in human rights, social science, or related fields,
- A minimum 5 years of experience in conducting research related to human rights
- Excellent knowledge and understanding of the legal, socio-economic, political, and cultural context of the business, CSOs, Media political parties operating in Ethiopia.
- Excellent written and spoken skills in English language.
- Proven experience in providing training and excellent communication skills.
- Women and People with Disabilities (PWDs) candidates are encouraged to apply.
Preparatory Works
Prior to entering in to doing the research, the selected consultant/s (in collaboration with CEHRO and project partner) must undertake preparatory works, including but not limited to:
- Signing of contract between CEHRO and the consultant(s), including a mutually agreed research methodology and budget.
- Collaborative review of relevant project documents.
- Submission of an inception report including details of the research questions, agreed research methodology and approach, sampling, data collection instruments/ tools, selection process and the agreed work plan.