Call for Consultancy Service To Prepare Disability Inclusive WASH SBC Materials in Different Formats – Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with Disability (FEAPD)

Consultancy and Training

Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with Disability (FEAPD)

FENAPD is a network of six single disability focused national associations. It was re-registered as an Ethiopian Residents network association on 30 February 2010 per the country’s law bearing the registration number 1511. The federation is operating in addressing the very severe disability problems and worst life situations of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia in more coordinated and collaborative manner.

 Its member national associations are: 

  • Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf (ENAD)
  • Ethiopian National Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy (ENAPAL)
  • Ethiopian National Association on Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ENAID)
  • Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf-Blind (ENADB)
  • Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (ENAB) and
  • National Development Association of Persons with physical Disabilities.

 The objectives of FENAPD are to:

  • Enhance the public awareness on disability,
  •  Reduce the disability information gaps in the country,
  •  Enhance institutional capacities of DPOs and other stakeholders in addressing disability problems,
  • Build the capacities of persons with disabilities in improving their life situations,
  • Create linkage and alliances in addressing disability problems in Ethiopia,
  • Mobilize resources used to address disability problems in the country.The objectives of FENAPD are to:
  • Enhance the public awareness on disability,
  •  Reduce the disability information gaps in the country,
  •  Enhance institutional capacities of DPOs and other stakeholders in addressing disability problems,
  • Build the capacities of persons with disabilities in improving their life situations,
  • Create linkage and alliances in addressing disability problems in Ethiopia,
  • Mobilize resources used to address disability problems in the  country.

Purpose of the activities

The objective of this consultancy service is to ensure that existing Social and Behavior Change (SBC) materials related to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) are adapted and made accessible for individuals with disabilities. This includes incorporating elements such as Braille for individuals with visual impairments, sign language for individuals with hearing impairments, and materials suitable for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The aim is to promote inclusive and equitable access to WASH information and resources for people with disabilities, enabling them to participate fully in hygiene and sanitation practices

Based on the above mentioned purpose of the consultancy

  • Interested consultant who has proven experience and valid license is required to submit the technical and financial proposal to FEAPD
  • The bid documents shall be obtained upon request through email address
  • The bid documents should be in hard copies or hand delivery at FEAPD office within 10 calendar days starting from the bid is advertised 
  • Bid will be closed on January 25, 2024 at 5:30 Pm
  • Bid will be opened on January 26, 2024 at 10:00 Am with or without the presence of the bidders’ or legal representatives assigned by the company
  • Late arrival of bids will be subjected to rejection
  • FEAPD has the right to accept or reject the bid fully or partially
  • Eligible bidders may obtain further information from FEAPD office on working hours
