Terms of Reference for Consultancy to Develop Proposals for the Selected landscapes in the Central Rift Valley, Lake Tana and Omo sub-basins – Wetlands International

Agriculture, Consultancy and Training, Environment and Natural Resource

Wetlands International

Wetlands International is the only global not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. We are deeply concerned about the loss and deterioration of wetlands such as lakes, marshes and rivers. Our vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.

Wetlands International is dedicated to maintaining and restoring wetlands— for their environmental values as well as for the services they provide to people. We work through our network of offices, our partners and experts to achieve our goals. Most of our work is financed on a project basis by governments and private donors. We are also supported by government and NGO membership.

 Our Vision

A world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.

Our Mission


To sustain and restore wetlands, their resources and biodiversity.

Wetlands International (WI) is the leading global not-for-profit organization dedicated to safeguarding and restoration of wetlands for people and nature. Wetlands International through its Ethiopian Office is currently implementing various projects aimed at safeguarding and restoration of wetlands in different parts of the country such as in the Central Rift Valley (CRV) and Omo sub-basins. To achieve these projects’ objectives, Wetlands International is working in collaboration with various partners, including consortium member organizations, government, and community-based organizations. WI is planning to extend its operation within the central Rift Valley Sub-basin, Lake Tana Sub-basin and Baro Akobo Sub-basin.  As part of this, WI is interested in developing a concept note and submitting concept notes and full proposals to different donors such as Sida, EU, USAID, UN agencies, and other bilateral organizations.  Therefore, WI is looking for individual consultants to write full proposals for the selected landscapes in the following sub-basins: Central Rift Valley, Lake Tana(depending on improvements in the security situation), and Omo sub-basins.

The objective of the assignment

The objective of this assignment is to develop full proposals for the selected landscapes in the three sub-basins

Scope of work

Prepare & submit Concept notes and proposal development plans for selected landscapes and agree on the scope of work and the timeline with WI.

Lead the collection of relevant existing information/ input data through review of literatures/documents, and field assessments  to  develop  project background and context of the landscape  such as  on the history, status and current trends in the selected  landscape, and develop a series of landscape data base including maps that include wetlands & water resources physical geography, infrastructure, agro-economic classifications, land use & vegetation cover, biodiversity (including potentially the ranges and landscape requirements of key species), socioeconomic livelihood, environment/climate change impacts /vulnerability (particularly drought, and  flooding  risk), land degradation (including erosion risk mapping, if not already available), and major ecosystem services;

Conduct a comprehensive review of relevant literature and documents on WI, government and funding partners’ policies, strategies, guidelines, and global & country priorities pertaining to wetlands/ nature restoration and conservation.

Identify the main drivers and impediments of unsustainable practices/ conduct problem/gap analysis and proposed solutions in the selected landscapes.

Support the gaps/problems through stakeholder consultations with key Government, NGOs, CBOs, Development Partners and the Private sector through one-to-one meetings/planning meetings

Conduct problem/gap analysis validation workshops with the relevant WI team and possibly other key WI stakeholders (can be linked with the above scope).

Establish Project Theory of Change: Explain the detailed theory of change (ToC) for this project/intervention and what WI and Partners(optional) will do to address the problem(s)/issue(s) and challenge(s) that are described above

Articulate and narrate the rationale and justification of the proposed project in the selected landscape including the organizational capacity statement.

Clearly define measurable goals and objectives that articulate what the project intends to achieve in terms of feasible integrated landscape conservation /restoration/environmental impact, sustainability, and other relevant aspects for restoring and safeguarding wetlands and related disciplines

Set project Components/work packages and propose expected results and activities that are supported by a budget that will maximize the impact

Ensure alignment of proposed activities with broader WI & government strategy and actual nature & community needs as well as country priorities for the coming years

Justify each proposed activity per output within each component/work package in cohesive and logical narrative form.

If possible, set the bassline situation for each work package/component;

Justify complementarily of the proposed project with other WI projects/initiatives in the proposed/ other landscapes/sub-basins.

Ensure that the proposals include gender per each component, learning and knowledge management strategies of the project, consideration of the sustainability of project outcomes and overview of the environmental and social impacts and risks identified as being relevant to the project and  management strategies;

Ensure the inclusion of the key stakeholder involvement strategies in the project, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and other relevant partners.

Set implementation arrangements/modalities including project management arrangements; project M & E arrangements, including budgeted M&E plan; Project Results Framework including milestones, targets and indicators.

Set an overview of the detailed estimated budget for the project, including a breakdown of costs and information about potential sources of financing.

Provide an explanation of the process/ methodologies followed during the project process,

Write the Justification for the funding request.

Ensure the alignment of Project Objectives/Outcomes with national, and global initiatives such as SDGs, Climate, Biodiversity, and other relevant initiatives.

The final Proposal title, Thematic outline and page limits will be decided in discussion with WI. Also, there may be additional concept notes to be developed for each landscape.

Main Activities and Deliverables

The following are expected outputs to be produced under this consultancy:

Inception report specifying the methodologies, timeline/work plan, filed and desk assessment plans, questionnaire, and expected support from WI.

Evidence-based full proposal(including result framework, work plan and budget) for  CRV sub-basin wetlands;

 Evidence-based full proposal (including result framework, work plan and budget) for Lake Tana wetlands.

Evidence-based full proposal (including result framework, work plan and budget) for Omo.

Other deliverables shall include:

An inception report, complete with an understanding of the TOR, interpretation, constructive comments, work plan and implementation schedule of the assignment, and any other issues that need to be raised at the onset of the assignment.

Duration of the Work

The duration of the contract shall be roughly two months (60 days) in total including concept note and full proposal development. This duration is subject to change depending on WI Ethiopia’s needs.

Institutional Arrangement/ duty station & line of communication

For the duration of the contract, the consultant will be based in the WI Ethiopia office, Addis Ababa or can also work remotely. The consultant will report to the Country program Manager in Ethiopia and shall work in close coordination with the WI team from the national to global office.  All outputs of the consultants will be subjected to review and endorsement by the WI team

REPORTS TO: Country Program Manager

CONTRACT DURATION: Approximately two months(60 days)

Start date: As soon as possible

Consultant’s qualification

Advanced degree (PhD or Master’s) in natural resources management & conservation, agriculture, food security, economics, Environmental management, environmental science, Integrated watershed management, wetland ecology, climate change adaptation and mitigation engineering, natural sciences, rural development, Strategic Business development, or related disciplines with 10 years’ experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience

Experiences :

  • Minimum of 10 years of proven practical experience in  Program/ project development and implementation in the following fields:  Integrated program/projects such as Integrated Landscape 
  • Conservation for restoring wetlands, integrated landscape restoration linked with sustainable livelihoods, climate change (mitigation and/or adaptation) and Integrated Water Resources Management(IWRM), Sustainable  & Climate Resilient WASH,  Food security & Resilience, Improved Agricultural Practices, On-farm and off-farm lively hood opportunities for youth and economically disadvantaged and wetland-dependent population, etc. with strong programme design skills, including the capacity to prepare logical, coherent, and consistent technical documents including log frames and budgets.
  • Prior demonstrated experience from developing and writing successful proposals for different donors such as Sida, EU, USAID, UN agencies, and Demonstrated experience in facilitating consultations and workshops for proposal writing.
  •  Work experience in similar project development.
  • Proof of successful project proposal acceptance by Sida, EU,USAiD and UN agencies
  •  Profound know-how of the rules, regulations, policies of Sida, EU,USAiD, GEF and UN agencies
  •  Excellent knowledge of the proposed landscapes (4.2, 4.3 & 4.4)
  •  Competencies in drafting the necessary budget and other resource needs.
  • Written and spoken fluency in English is preferred.


  • Ability to work in close collaboration with a group of national and international experts, meet strict deadlines and plan the work according to priorities.
  •  Results-oriented and ability to interact productively in a teamwork environment; good analytical skills, ability to work under a tight schedule while respecting deadlines achievement, ethics and honesty.
  • Excellent English speaking/writing skills and presentation skills are required.
  • The ability to write clearly and concisely is a requirement.
  • Willingness and ability to travel to the field to conduct assessments and gather primary data
  •  Flexibility to adapt to any subsequent changes in the terms of reference.


  • Payment of fees will be based on the submission of deliverables defined below:
  •  20% upon submission of concept notes for each landscapes and approved by WI
  • 30% upon submission of Draft proposals for each landscape and approved by WI(3)
  •  50% upon submission of the Final Proposal for each landscape and approved by WI Payments will be made  in Ethiopian Birr with the following breakdown
