Woreda Social Accountability Expert – Save Your Holy Land Association (SYHLA)

Social Sciences and Community

Save Your Holy Land Association (SYHLA)

Internal / External Vacancy Announcement   

Organizational profile

Save Your Holy Land Association (SYHLA) is an indigenous non-governmental organization established not for making profit. SYHLA is undertaking various projects such as Sexual & Reproductive Health, Girls’ Education, Family-focused HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution and Youth Empowerment projects in selected districts of North Wollo and Bahirdar Zones, Amhara regional state. SYHLA strives to mobilize the community in health, education and eco-tourism to bring about desirable changes in life and the environment in collaboration with individuals, community and institutions. Therefore, SYHLA seeks to employ qualified personnel for Ethiopian Social Accountability (ESAP-3) project to be implemented in North Wollo Zone (Lasta, Meket, Angote and Wadla Woredas) and Central Gondar Zone (Gondar Town, Gondar Zuria, Wogera and Tach Armachiho Woredas). Hence SYHLA would like to invite competent applicants for the following job position.

Main tasks

  • Identify viable local community structures for the project to partner with;
  • Coordinate and conduct data collection and uploading on the mobile app for all SA activities at woreda level that require data collection;
  • Facilitate service assessment, woreda interface meeting, JAP preparation and budget alignment;
  • Support SAC members to develop capacity in SA process, gender and social inclusion skills;
  • Collaborate with all SA key stakeholders at woreda level (example community structures government offices and council);
  • Organize and participate in monitoring visits either planned by the project or the MA, or requested by government, development partners or other stakeholders.

General Information:

Project Title: Fostering Social Accountability for Improved Basic Service Delivery

Number required: 4

Sex/Gender: Male or Female

Term of Employment: Full time for 12 months contract (May 15, 2022 to May 14, 2023) with a possibility of extension based on proven performance of the employee and the continuation of the project.

Salary:  As per the salary scale of the organization with different attractive fringe benefits

Minimum Requirements

  • BA Degree in social science
  • Two years SA experience
  • Basic computer literacy and willingness to learn mobile application technology
  • Gender and/or social inclusion expertise an advantage
  • Strong training and facilitation skills
  • Good networker – active on the ground
  • Willingness to spend significant time to create a rapport and partnership with key SA key stakeholders (local government, community structures and council)
  • The post holder is expected to meet safeguarding and PSEA standard practices in humanitarian and development programs.
  • Good knowledge of child protection, Sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment and GBV context in Ethiopia

As per Organization Salary Scale
