TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) for Consultancy Services to Reproduce 5-7 minutes of video Production from 30-minute videos – Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD)

Media and Journalism, Advertising and Media

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD)

“ECDD envisions an inclusive Ethiopia, where persons with disabilities exercise the same rights and have access to the same services and opportunities enjoyed by other citizens”.

In 2005 several individuals in Ethiopia came together to discuss how to address the challenge of more effectively meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia, and ensuring their access to mainstream service delivery as well as development programs. They decided to create a new type of Ethiopian organization, one that would promote and facilitate disability inclusion, but not by providing disability or rehabilitation services to individuals. They decided to create an organization that would reflect, in its structure and programs, certain core values: majority governance by persons with disabilities and family members, gender equality, and positive bias (affirmative action) in the employment of staff. Finally, rather than create a membership organization of persons with disabilities, they decided to create an association composed of prominent individuals, both professionals with and without disabilities, 50% women, reflecting different aspects of society.

Thus the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) was born and registered with the Ministry of Justice in December 2005. Following the Charities and Societies Proclamation of 2009, ECDD was re-registered by the Charities and Societies Agency on 6 December 2012, as an Ethiopian Residents Charity, Registration No. 0321. By 2012 ECDD Association membership had grown to over 60 members and its staff had increased to 18 full-time employees, over half of whom are persons with disabilities.Today ECDD has a staff of 42 persons with branch offices in Mekele, Tigray Region and in Hawassa in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State, and Local Disability Advisors in Afar, Somali and Oromo Regional States.

ECDD works collaboratively with other organizations to promote and facilitate “disability inclusive development” in Ethiopia – the inclusion of disability issues and persons with disabilities in mainstream government and non-governmental service delivery and development programs.

  ECDD action reflects the following core, cross-cutting organizational and operational principles and values:

  1. Disability Rights: Fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities, as specified in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  1. Non-discrimination: Non-discrimination on the basis of disability, age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or any other basis in its membership, staff, and programs
  1. Equal opportunity: Affirmative action, for qualified persons with disabilities and women, in recruitment, training, advancement and retention of staff
  1. Inclusion: Accessible premises, events, information and communications in all its action
  1. Integrity: Accountability and transparency in its program activities and finances
  1. Professionalism: Commitment to staff development and the competence and excellence of its full-time and part-time staff, and interns and volunteers
  1. Stewardship: Safe-guarding of community resources on behalf of those it serves
  1. Learning: Commitment to knowledge, learning and change as an organization in collaboration with its partners
  1. Family: Team spirit and sense of belonging among its personnel

Job Description

The Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) seeks to reproduce 5-7 minutes of video production from 30 30-minute videos prepared for 10 years of the Disability Inclusion Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (DISRHR) Project, funded by the Packard Foundation. The first production of 10 years of the DISRHR video production is large in volume. ECDD seeks a professional who produces short videos by inserting photos and videos from the current project implementation. The total time for production can be completed within 2 weeks.




Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) was established in 2005 and reregistered at the Agency for Civil Society Organizations as an Ethiopian Development Organization with Certificate no. 0321 under the Proc. No. 1113/2019. ECDD is working with other organizations to promote and facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and disability issues in mainstream service delivery and development programs envisioning an Inclusive Ethiopia where persons with disabilities exercise the same rights and access the same services and opportunities enjoyed by other citizens.

ECDD is implementing a project entitled “Disability Inclusion Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (DISRHR)” with the support of the Packard Foundation to increase access and utilization of SRHR services among persons with disabilities through building the capacities of institutions, key decision-makers, and SRH service providers, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers and persons with disabilities and their organizations.

ECDD is looking for a competent publishing firm/company/individual to reproduce clear and coherent content video from the already produced large video part.


The short and summarized video reproduction activity will be:

µ  Prepare a video whose length is 5-7 minutes that shows the 12-year project journey. To develop the video, the producer uses two sources. (1) From the already prepared lengthy video prepared for the 10-year journey SRHR Project (2) Produce a new recording of a video (which the producer is expected to produce) that shows a project implementation of a 2-year journey. Using the two sources, the producer prepares a video (One Video) of 12 years journey that lasts for 5-7 Minutes. The Producer uses Sign Language Interpretation and Sub Title for the video to be prepared. 

  Target groups

µ  Persons with disabilities

µ   Public and private SRH and rights service providers.

µ  Stakeholders who are involved in the area of disability-inclusive health/SRHR service providers.

Eligibility: Required Capacity and Skills

The video summarizes firms/companies/houses as well as individual professionals having the following competencies/skills and capacities of eligible to apply for this short-term consultancy service.

µ  Profound knowledge and experience in disability, reproductive, and health programs, and activities.

µ  Strong background and a minimum of 3 years experience in editing, and developing videos, and documentaries.

µ   Have a valid license and VAT certificate. 

µ  Commitment to meet the deadlines, with enough resources and human power to make necessary logistical arrangements.

 Terms of Payment:

µ  First Installment 30% (upon signing agreement)

µ  Second Installment 30% (upon submission of the first draft work)

µ  Third Installment: 40% (upon satisfactory submission of the final work)
