Terms of Reference – Oromia Pastoralist Association

Consultancy and Training, Environment and Natural Resource
Oromia Pastoralist Association
Oromia Pastoralist Association(OPA)
Terms of Reference (TOR) for conducting Feasibility Study on Rangeland and Water Schemes Development and Management Practices
The Oromia Pastoralist Association (OPA) is a non- government, non-for-profit, community-based organization established in 2006 by committed pastoralist community members from Bale, Borana, Fentalle, Guji and Hararge dry-land areas in Oromia region. Since, its establishment the Association has been implementing several community based Projects aimed at promoting positive changes in the lives and livelihoods of pastoralists through strengthening local capacities of communities and their governance structures to participate in effective policy processes and development actions that help improve their peaceful co-existence, food security and livelihoods in the pastoarlist areas of Oromia region.
Currenlty, the Oromia Pastoralist Association (OPA) has finalized the preliminary works to commence implementation of the project entilled “Crisis Response and Resilience Building“ in Moyale and Dire Districts of Borena zone with the fund from the CST Ethiopia Country Office aimed at building resilient communities to with stand shocks and stress in the target Woredas. As integral part of this new project and to identify, plan and implement rangeland and Water schemes developement and Management practices prefered by the local community, OPA would like to hire a qualified individual consultant to conduct a feasibility study on Rangeland and Water schemes development and maangement practices in two kebeles of Moyale and Dire Districts of Borena zone.
Purpose and Objectives of the Study
The overall objective of the study is to conduct feasibilty assessment on rangeland and water schemes development and management practices in Dire and Moyale Woredas of Borena zone with Specific objectives of
- To identify and suggests relevant and potential intervention meassures related to Water schemes and rangeland development.
- Identifiy existing sustainability and management related botlenecks and propose context fit and community based management practices that will laid a strong ground for the sustainable and equtable utilization of the rangeland and water schemes developed by the project
- To identify the key challenges of women and girls as fetching water is the primary responsiblity of women and girls.
Expected Results of the Study
- The study is conducted and relevant and context based Water schemes development options and management practices are proposed by the individual consutant.
- Problems identified by the study and technically feasible and relevant rangeland development intervention options are suggested.
- Identify role women play in range land managment women and the kind of improved technology needed to reduce the hard labour /heavy duty of women and girls in the cut and carry process
- Effective and practical Water scheme and rangeland implementation modality is proposed and used by the project during the project implementation period.
Description of Assigment( Scope of Work)
The individual consultant’s assignment is to conduct Feasibility Study on rangeland and Water Schemes Development and management practices in Moyale and Dire Woredas of Borena zone. The specific responsibilities of the assignment include the following:
- The Consultant is expected to conduct discusion with the relevant government sector Offices and identify the existing water coverage and related cahallenges at Woreda and project target kebeles of each district.
- Assess and identify existing sustainability bottlenecks in each Project target Woreda and suggest effective and context /local based Water schemes management mechanisms to ensures sustainable utlization of water Points to be developed by the project.
- Assess and identify Potential Water sources and suggest relevant and feasible Water schemes development options to be supported by the project based on preference of local community taking into account the technical, managment as well as sustainability (economic, social environmental) factors.
- Suggest and propose Water scemes development implementation modality to be used by the project with firm consideration of Integrating water development with water use and management aspects.
- Asess and identify overal current rangeland management status of each kebeles and on going rangeland development actions in each Woreda in general and project Kebeles in particular.
- Assess and identify rangeland management related problems and suggest possible management practices based on community preference.
- Identify and suggest relevant rangeland development activities/interventions and options for each target Woreda based on thier specific context and need and propose implementation modality and strategy for suggested Intervention actions.
The key deliverable for this assignment is a comprehensive feasibility study report for planning and implementing appropriate and relevant rangeland and water scheme development activities in project target Kebeles of Moyale and Dire Woredas. The comprehensive report is also expected to indicate the persistence key challenges and intervention actions prioritized by the local community regarding Rangeland and Water points development efforts in the project target areas with a recommendation on the implementation approach or modality which guarantees the involvement and ownership of community and all the stakeholders.
The methodologies for the study will involves a combination Participatory qualitative( FGD, KII and observation) and Quantitative( Houselold Surve) research tools to collect primary data from FGD participants, key informants and households. A quantitative data will be collected through well designed household survey. Documents and other related studies in the project area will be reviewed and analysized by the consultant.
Location of Assignment/Feasibility Study.
The Feasibility study is going to be conducted in Buladi and Madacho kebeles of Moyale and Dire Districts of Borena zone respectively. The study requires travel to the project target Kebeles and conducting consultations and meetings with community representatives, officials and Experts from relevant government sectors of both Woredas.
Key Responsibilities of the Consultant
- Some of the key responsibilities of the Individual Consustant during this studies are:
- Prepare comprehensive data collection tool in local language to gather adequate information and data on topics of the study.
- Prepare and submit Detail Implementation plan(DIP) to OPA for follow up and support.
- Recruits, trains and mobilizes competent and qualified local enumerators to collect the required data.
- Conduct actual feasibility Assessment in the project target Kebeles.
- Prepare presentation to validate the study results on Validation workshop going to be organized by the Oromia Pastoralist Association(OPA).
- Prepare and submit consolidated comprehensive study report including anaysis of problems, prioritized intervention responses and implementation modality and approaches for each intervention options identified by the study.
S/no | Description of activities | Duration |
1 | Developing data collection tools and recruiting data collectors | Week one |
2 | Conducting actual data collection activity | Week two |
3 | Preparation of initial study report and presenting the findings on Workshop to validate the study results. | Week three |
4 | Prepare and submit the final study report incorporating all feedbacks recieved during the validation Workshop | Week Four |
Profile of the Consultant
The consultant shall have the following profile:
- Individual Consultant must possess the Postgraduate degree in Natural Resource Management, Rural Development, Water enginering, Disaster Risk Reduction, Agricutural Economics and other related fields of study.
- The individual consultant must possess profound experience and skills in conducting feasibility studies and related asessments on the same topics particularly in the pastoralist context.
- Have strong experience and knowledge in conducting base line studies and designing Water schemes and rangeland development programmes in Pastoralist areas of the Country.
- Stong data collection and analysis skills
- Strong undestanding and knowledge of sustainable livelihood framework approach and development challenges in Pastoralist areas.
- Should have adequate knowledge in stakeholder engagement.
- Strong English report writing skills.
- Must have renewed valid license.
Proposal Requirements/Required Documents
- The technical and financial proposal should be submitted separately sealed envelope, however both tasks
- The financial proposal should include all costs clearly and indicate the rate
- Both technical and financial proposal must be as clear as possible and indicate quality assurance mechanism.
- Soft Copy of legal document/renewed license should be submitted along with other documents.