Terms of Reference for providing organizational capacity assessment and development consultancy service – Population Health and Environment – Ethiopia Consortium (PHE EC)

Consultancy and Training
Population Health and Environment – Ethiopia Consortium (PHE EC)
Population: Family Planning (Birth Spacing, limiting births, emergency contraception, adolescent sexual and Reproductive Health, etc.)
Health: HIV/AIDS, ARI Prevention, water and sanitation, malaria prevention, primary health care, child survival, etc.
Environment: Environmental conservation, natural resources management (NRM).
PHEEC is implementing a project entitled: “Strengthening PHE-EC’s Organizational and Technical Capacity” to enhance its capability for providing capacity-strengthening services to Ethiopian CSOs in the future.
This project intends to improve the institutional and technical capabilities of the Population Health Environment Ethiopia Consortium (PHEEC), a local consortium CSO that has 90 member organizations. The overall objective of this project is to strengthen the organizational capacity of PHE EC for better sustainability and the future provision of organizational development services to its members and other local organizations engaged in the health sector in Ethiopia. It is part of the USAID Ethiopia Mission of engaging the NPI EXPAND project to support CSOs through the Empowered Communities for Better Health (ECBH) project, which aims to empower locally driven improvements in health and nutrition and foster a cycle of responsive and accountable service delivery.
PHE-EC specifically to this project will be supported to identify capacity and performance status and areas that need improvement, develop a capacity strengthening plan, enhance the staff capacity in selected skills, conduct a market analysis study and create a business plan for future organizational development service provision spectrums, and conduct a terminal evaluation and evaluating the OCA and TCA.
To implement the project PHE EC is seeking a consultant to provide technical support in specific areas.
Scope of work
The consultancy service aims to improve PHE EC’s capacity for conducting organizational capacity assessments, developing organizational capacity strengthening plans and specific technical areas as related to Population, Health, and Environment programs.
The overall objective of the assignment is to support the capacity assessment and capacity development plan and coach and mentor the PHE EC internal capacity team.
Major Tasks of this Scope of Work
1. Conduct an Organizational Performance Index (OPI) assessment, produce organizational capacity development roadmap and produce comprehensive reports.
Scope of the assignment
The Consultant will closely work with the PHE-EC’s technical coordinator to conduct an OPI assessment, analyze and report the OPI findings per the PACT’s standards; lead the preparation of organizational capacity development roadmap; develop a proposal and conduct a market analysis study on organizational development service and prepare an organizational business plan for PHEEC.
The engagement of the consultant during this assignment included:
- Attend the initial inception meeting with PHE’s top leadership and technical team for this assignment.
- Conduct desk review which includes all relevant documentation and material critical for the assignment.
- Internal and external stakeholder consultations: include, but may not be limited to, PHE EC head office and project staff, the donor, PHEEC member organization and government partners.
- Conduct an OPI assessment, compile input from a validation meeting and prepare the final OPI report
- Technically support PHEEC’s staff in the development of the organizational development roadmap document aligned with PHEEC’s strategic plan
- Develop tools and use tools reviewed and agreed by the PHEEC team, conduct a participatory market analysis study on the Need for Ethiopian CSOs’ organizational development services and submit final report to PHEEC
- Develop an organizational business plan focusing on Capacity Strengthening Service provision for CSOs in Ethiopia, will consider the comments and suggestions from PHEEC and submit final document per the agreement signed during the offer
Expected Deliverables
- Inception report highlighting details of the deliverables and methodologies
- Organizational Performance Index (OPI) assessment Report
- Organizational development roadmap document
- Organizational development Service Market analysis study report
- Organizational business plan focusing on Organizational Capacity Strengthening Service provision for CSOs in Ethiopia
Time Frame
The assignment will be based on the project implementation schedule and will take a total of 32 working days, max. The consultant(s) should submit the detailed breakdown of the assessment time table based on the aforementioned major activities and deliverables. PHE EC will provide the actual deliverables submission days. PHE-EC reserves the right to award part or none of the tasks under this scope of work, if secures better alternatives.
Interested consultancy firms or individual consultant are required to submit the following documentation:
- A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on addressing the scope of work/technical approach and methodology to be used to each of the major tasks. The maximum page for the technical proposal will be 12 pages.
- Demonstrable experience in Conducting OPI, Organizational development roadmap, Market analysis survey and Business plan development in CSOs sector and testimonies of previous works related to the scope of work.
- A financial proposal detailing costs
- A company profile or the individual Consultant CV
- For companies renewed legal documents
- A minimum of two (02) references
N.B: Applicant need to have the technical and professional capacity to handle all the tasks described in the scope of work described above.