Sever Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) & Influenza like illness (ILI) Coordinator – Ethiopian Public Health Institute

Health Care

Ethiopian Public Health Institute

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute(EPHI) is established by the council of ministers regulation No. 301/2013 which recognize the Institute an autonomous federal government office having its own legal personality. The institute is accountable for the Federal Minister of Health.

The institute shall have the following objectives:

1. Undertake research, based on  national public health research agenda, on priority health and nutrition problems, and  generate, absorb and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to improve the health of the general public;

2. In collaboration with the concerned bodies conduct surveillance for the early identification and detection of public health risks and prevent public health emergencies through adequate preparedness; and alert, warn and dispatch timely information during public health emergency, respond effectively and timely and ensure rapid recovery of the affected population from the impact of the public health emergency;

3. Strengthen  its laboratories with trained man power and technology to undertake problem solving researches provide effective response to public health emergencies, carry out referral diagnostic and analytical tests; and support the capacity building of health and food science laboratories at the national level to enable them provide quality 
laboratory services.

The Institute secures average annual revenue of 25 million Birr and more than 20 million USD (in cash and in kind) from different donors.

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute, EPHI shall have advisory board in respect of policy, strategy and other major institutional matters.

Duration of Contract:  five month

Work place: St. Peter Specialized Hospital or EPHI

Reporting to: The hospital’s Public Health Emergency Management/IDSR and EPHI

Number required:  Two(2) 


Ethiopia established influenza sentinel surveillance in eight sentinel sites (5 SARI and 3 ILI) since 2008 in four regions ( Amahara,  Oromia, SNNPR and Tigray) and in Addis Ababa (one SARI and three ILI sites), aiming  to detect new influenza strains; determine the characteristics, trend/seasonality, burden and severity of influenza. Currently, Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) in collaboration with regional health bureaus, selected health facilities and partners (WHO, CDC, OSU, ICAP) has been working on expansion of SARI/ILI Sites (additional 9 sites).

The intended candidates have the following roles, responsibilities, qualifications and experiences.

Roles and responsibilities 

Under the supervision and the technical support from sentinel site PHEM coordinator /and national ILI/SARI Focal the employee will be expected to do:

·         Ensure SARI and ILI Sentinel surveillance implementation according to the national SARI & ILI implementation guideline

·         Ensure the availability of SOPs, Guidelines and  weekly aggregates of SARI/ILI formats

·         Ensure the availability of sample collection and Case Reporting formats  of SARI/ILI

·         Facilitate communications  among National, regional and health facility team

·         Conduct  SARI & ILI case detection and enrollment, data entry, analyze and interpret the finding

·         Ensure the availability of laboratory commodities including sample collection materials and reagents in the laboratory and in the sentinel sites

·         Expected to register, document and report if there is unknown respiratory disease in the assigned health facility to the next reporting facility

·         Facilitate and conduct SARI/ILI Sampling , Case Reporting Format(CRF) and the compiled weekly aggregate of data sent to EPHI/dedicated regional Lab through the available transport system

·         Work closely with Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise to facilitate sample and supplies transportation.

·         Develop weekly, monthly and quarterly plan for SARI/ILI Sentinel Surveillance in the assigned health institution.

·         Compiling and reporting weekly and monthly reports to the team lead and facility coordinators.

·         Awareness creation and orientation for Health care providers mainly for OPD and IPD services providers about the SARI/ILI Sentinel Surveillance

·         Expect to travel outreach for filed investigation during outbreak  response for COVID 19, Influenza , Arboreal disease outbreak

·         Facilitate and participate in coordination technical meetings and relevant workshops

Any other related activities of other respiratory viral disease like COVID 19 , RSV , Avian influenza and other public health importance disease

·         Bachelor’s degree in BSc Nurse or  Public Health Officer 10 years with relevant work experience

·         Experience in program coordination activities related with respiratory diseases including Influenza, MERS, SARS-COV-2, tuberculosis programs at different levels (regional, zonal or woreda levels). 

·         Experience in outbreak response and surveillance engagement, data collection and analysis, COVID 19 sample collection

MOF Scale
