Resource Mobilization and Customer Service Manager – VisionFund Micro-Finance Institution S.C

Accounting and Finance, Business and Administration, Management

VisionFund Micro-Finance Institution S.C

VisionFund Micro Finance Institution (S.C) previously known as Wisdom Microfinance is an Institution established to provide financial services to the productive poor in the rural and urban areas of Ethiopia. VisionFund MFI brings its wealth of experience of being in the industry for more than two decades to design different loan and saving products that address the needs of the rural and urban low-income families. Currently, we are operating in more than 112 branches in five regions of Ethiopia.
About the Organization:
VisionFund Micro Finance Institution (S.C) is an Institution established according to proclamation No. 40/96 to provide financial services to the productive poor in the rural and urban areas of Ethiopia. VisionFund is currently operating in five of the Regional States of the country.
VisionFund MFI is currently looking candidates for Resource Mobilization and Customer Service Manager Role for Central North Regional Operation Office based at Addis Ababa. The successful candidates will have skills and experience that meet the following requirements:
The purpose of Regional Resource Mobilization and Customer Service Manager is to plan, direct, organize, coordinate and monitor the resource mobilization and branch operations activities of the branches under the regional office. 
• Planning, organizing, coordinating and supervising the Resource Mobilization & Customer Service Department activities of the division ;
• Leading financial literacy programs to educate clients and potential clients on the benefit of saving and the institution’s value propositions; 
• Identifying potential money savers focusing on high amount depositors and encouraging all types of savers;
• Design mechanisms to promote saving and enhance liquidity leverage of the Institution;
• Study & Identify deposit mobilization challenges including enhancing the customers’ service delivery;
• Providing technical/professional support to branches regarding deposit mobilization and overall branch operation;    
• Conducting front line staff training based on needs identified, organizing and coordinating  client orientation concerning savings products available with special emphasis to client value propositions;  
• Monitoring and evaluating performance as per policies and performance agreement;
• Ensuring that effective and reliable risk management and internal control system is in place for safety of deposits by clients; 
• Monitoring weekly and  monthly performance of Regional/Branches and compiling data on saving and preparing and submitting periodic regular reports incorporating challenges encountered and improvement recommendation; 
• Designing clients exit survey tool to capture feedback from withdrawing clients so as to introduce appropriate policy and procedural changes; 
• Ensuring compliance with the Institution’s policies and procedures as well as with NBE directives related to Deposit Mobilization & Customer Service;
• Undertaking regular field visit to check for compliance in savings mobilization policies and procedures and gather feedback from clients on saving service provisions including verification of Region reports.  
• Ensure the necessary human resource, support facilities and services are provided to branches that fulfills established standards of the Institution;
• Undertake additional activities assigned by supervisor
• MBA/MA/BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Economics or related fields. 
• A minimum of 7/9 years of relevant work experience. 
• Ability to provide leadership, communicate effectively, and promote a team approach to enhance staff commitment to successfully implement the Company’s Strategic Plan;
• Demonstrated technical and managerial ability, sound judgement, ability to interact and work effectively with others at all levels;
• Firm belief in teamwork and gender equality;
• Capability and willingness to take responsibility and highly developed sense of integrity
• Proficiency in Microsoft office applications
• Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Terms of Employment: Permanent
Salary: Attractive with Benefit packages
Closing date: February 22, 2024

Negotiable and attractive with benefit packages
