Protection consultant to collect and develop CP and GBV Material – Danish Refugee Council

Development and Project Management

Danish Refugee Council

 The Danish Refugee Council (DRC), an international non-governmental organization (NGO), has been providing relief and development services in the Horn of Africa since 1997. DRC promotes and supports solutions to the problems faced by refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and migrants. The organization has offices across the region, and has been operational in Ethiopia since 2009.  With funding from bilateral and multilateral donors, DRC is currently implementing a range of activities across Ethiopia, including WASH and shelter provision, child and youth protection, gender based violence response, awareness-raising of migration risks, protection monitoring of migration routes, and livelihoods support for returning migrants or those at-risk of migration.

DRC has been operational in Ethiopia since 2009. Currently, the organization works in three different regions

(Gambella, Tigray, and Somali) and one administrative town (Addis Ababa) in a range of activities with a focus on providing humanitarian assistance and creation and promotion of protective environment for refugee and displcement affected communities.


DRC is working since 2016 in the South Sudanese refugee camp of Okugo in Dimma (Gambella). DRC is the major implementing partners and focuses its attention on protection, wash, and livelihood. In protection DRC implements a wide range of protection activities including GBV prevention and response, Youth empowerment, legal aid and Child Protection prevention and response including UASC case management. The protection activities are currently funded by BPRM.

The purpose of the consultancy is to identify the technical protection material (tools, modules) needed by the Dimma team to implement their activities under BPRM grants and to identify, collect existing relevant material, adapt it and share it with the team. The consultant will be also expected to provide capacity building trainings to GBV team in Dimma.

The consultant is expected to work with the Protection team in Dimma (and especially the protection manager and the CFS, Youth and GBV teams) and with the national protection manager and engage key partners to identify and gather already existing material.

The consultant is expected to assess the current needs in terms of guidelines/tools/material (especially the awareness raising messages and modules) and use his/her knowledge and connection to provide the team with the appropriate already existing material and adapt it.

The focus will be on GBV awareness raising and group discussion facilitation materials to target, women, girls and boys and men.

Output 1:  Assessment of the needs of material to implement BPRM project (3 days) and provide a priority list that is then reviewed by the protection manager in Addis. The resources to find in priority will be agreed with Addis protection manager

Output 2: Identification and provision of missing tools (not guidelines but actually modules, curriculum, checklists to be used to conduct the activities) related to GBV programming relevant to the gaps identified in the need assessment.

Output 2. Provide basic trainings to GBV team Training on case management; Training on basic humanitarian principles and Training on GBViE Minimum Standards.

The consultant should search and collect existing tools which can be adapted to the needs. Tools can be already contextualized to the Ethiopian or South Sudanese context, but also generic ones produced at global level.  

The focus will be on GBV awareness raising and group discussion facilitation materials to target, women, girls and boys and men.

The material identified and shared must follow the best practices and standards 

Output 3: Adapt the tools to fit the type of activities planned (no language or design adaption is planned here)

Required Qualification and experience.

Proven records:

  • Technical expert on GBV programming
  • Has a strong network and is aware of the coordination platforms? 
  •  Developed tools and SOPs on GBV programming

Strong writing skills and practical approach to   

  • Academic/professional qualifications in areas relevant to the consultancy
  • Evaluator’s capacity statement describing how they meet required qualifications and competencies and how it will help them meet the assignment
  • CV
  • A set of tools on GBV drafted by the consultant
  • A detailed financial proposal that includes professional fees (flights and accommodation will be provided by DRC). 
