Project Manager for MBMF project – Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE

Development and Project Management
Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE
- Enhancing professional INTEGRITY by maintaining strong ethical base and professionalism while being accountable and transparent to its diverse stakeholders;
- Nurturing INNOVATION in the provision of user-friendly, context-specific and gender responsive sexual and reproductive health services;
- Scaling up EXCELLENCE by delivering high-quality sexual and reproductive health services through effective use of modern technologies, effective processes; gender-responsive programming and evidence-based decision making to satisfy clients’ needs and choices;
- Promoting VOLUNTEERISM by believing in the spirit of self-worth and sharing passion to bring changes in the lives of people and in achieving organizational goals;
- Respecting CLIENTS’ RIGHTS to bring about the highest possible level of satisfaction concerning their choices, safety, privacy, comfort and dignity.
- Building strong PARTNERSHIP to maintain sustainable synergy in delivering quality sexual reproductive health services to the community;
Major Responsibilities & Tasks:-
- Lead the planning, coordination and implementation of FGAE’s Adolescents and Youth SRHR Programs in Amhara and Oromia Regions.
- Provide technical support to program and clinic staffs in designing, implementation and provision of Adolescents and Youth SRHR services at project intervention sites.
- Build capacity of health care providers on Adolescents and Youth SRHR services & Post-SGBV care through mentoring and supervision.
- Establish mobile/outreach sites at industrial parks and coordinate provision of comprehensive SRH services for Adolescents and Youth communities.
- Work in collaboration with public health facilities and establish referral system between the industrial parks and health facilities.
- Facilitate community mobilization and identification of Champions of Change (COC).
- Facilitate and ensure provision of post-SGBV care for rape survivors both at FGAE & public facilities.
- Ensure provision of Adolescents and Youth SRH services for referred clients at public health facilities.
- Represent FGAE and actively participate in task forces/clusters established locally to coordinate Adolescents and Youth SRHR problem responses by the government & stakeholders.
- Participate in coordination of technical partners operating in AYSRHR settings.
- Liaise and work with the SBCC team to design, produce and air AYSRHR messages. tailored towards the needs of Adolescents and Youth communities including information on available services.
- Work with the Training unit/Institute for the design of relevant training as well as development of relevant resource materials to support the training of various categories of individuals including COC, counselors and service providers;
- Participate in organizational Annual Budget Plan/ABP and take part in preparation of Clinical Services Department/CSD annual operational plan.
- Organize & participate in quarterly project performance review meeting with staffs and relevant stakeholders.
- Prepare budget plan and track budget utilization at project supported sites.
- Monitor and Evaluate progress of the Project and lead project team in achieving project goals.
- Monitoring, documenting and disseminating specific results and lessons of FGAE Adolescents and Youth SRHR Programs at project intervention sites.
- Provide leadership in the management of human and financial resources of the project.
- Collaborate closely with key stakeholders, including MOH, RHBs, local health offices, professional associations and other relevant partners working on AYSRHR programs.
- Ensure that the project is implemented in line with the Donor Guidelines, that results and learning are captured, shared to inform the project implementation where relevant.
- Submit Narrative and Financial reports regularly (bi-annually)
- Perform any other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor.
Educational Back:- MPH/MA/MSC in Public Health, Demography, project management, Social Work, Sociology and related health studies
Work experience:- 6 years of which must have a minimum four(4) years experience after Master degree , shall posses progressive experience of 3 years in managing at the middle level management position;coordinating and implementing Adolescent and Youth program especially in the NGO sector
Desirable:- e/she must come with sufficient knowledge of workings in the NGO sector and the SRH situation at national and regional levels. He/she must be knowledgeable of issues around AYRH policies and strategies at national and sub-national levels .Computer skill in relevant software is desired
As per the Scale of Association