OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator – Common Vision for Development Association

Health Care

Common Vision for Development Association

Common Vision for Development Association (CVDA) is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-for-profit association. It was established on October 28 2005.

CVDA’s mission is to work with & for the poor community with priority attention for children and women towards alleviating socio-economic problem, food insecurity, reducing unemployment, enhancing productivity, promoting health care, quality education & environment at various level for sustainable development.

Internal/External Vacancy Announcement

                                             DISTINCT FUTURE OF CVDA

Common Vision for Development Association (CVDA) is an indigenous, non-governmental,  non-for-profit, humanitarian aid association. It was established on October 28, 2005 by a group of dedicated persons from diverse social, economic, professional and religious backgrounds.  

CVDA has been re-registered and licensed by the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice, Charities and Societies Agency, on November 30, 2009 as an Ethiopian Residents charity in accordance with the Charities and Societies proclamation No. 621/2009 with registration No. 0588. It has permission to work at the national level however so far operates marginal parts of Benshangule Gumuz Region, SNNPR (Hawassa, Yirgalem, Dilla, Yergachefe, Aletawondo, Wondo Genet, Chuko, Bule, Goreche and Gumer ),  Oromia Region,West Showa Zone(Muger), Borena Zone (Hageremaireyam, Yabello & Moyale), Guji Zone( Adola, Shakiso & Borena Negele), West Arsi Zone (Shashemene, Arsi Negele, Adaba, Nensebo, Kokosa, Shala, Siraro, and Kore woredas) Afar Region;  Zone 5; Delifage, Dewe, Telalek, Hadele Ele and Sumu Robi  Zone 3 ; Gewane and Gelalo  and City Government of Addis Ababa

It is member of Consortium of Reproductive Health Association (CORHA), Union of Ethiopian Women Charitable Association (UEWCA), Ethiopian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative/EEITI/, Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition/ECSC-SUN/ and Afar Region Health Partner Forum. 

The following are CVDA’s vision, mission, goals, principles and values:


CVDA’s vision is to see where poverty is alleviated sustainably with favorable living environment in Ethiopia.


CVDA’s mission is to work with & for the poor community with priority attention for children and women towards alleviating socio-economic problem, food insecurity, reducing unemployment, enhancing productivity, promoting health care, quality education & environment conservation at  various level for sustainable development.


To contribute to the endeavors of poverty alleviation through its integrated community based development program in different regions of the country.

Principles and values   

  • Integrity: Upholding the principles of honesty, responsibility, setting good example and maintaining the highest ethical standard possible,
  • Courage of conviction: This is a basis of our pledge to fight against poverty and hunger. Therefore, CVDA’s shall always take side with the poorest and disadvantaged groups and help them bring about positive changes in their life.
  • Accountability: This espouses CVDA’s ongoing commitment to account for its actions and to respond periodically to questions concerning its activities or answerability to those who will be affected by our decisions or actions.
  • Transparency: This requires CVDA to take decisions and implement them in a manner that follows rules and regulations. Moreover, we shall provide our key stakeholders with reliable, relevant and timely information on matters that concern them.
  • Impartiality and equity: This implies providing equal opportunity to all.


  • Believe in the view that results can be achieved if the process is sound and suitable.
  • Be frank, transparent, and trust-worthy and build and develop team spirit within the organization and with partners. 


1, Reproductive and Primary Health Program

2. Water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Program

3. Food Security, Livelihood Diversification and Natural Resource Conservation Program

4, Education Program 

5, Emergency and Relief Program


CVDA has successfully implemented different food security, environmental conservation, income generating and HIV/AIDS project in collaboration with different stakeholders.  On environment conservation activity;  highly degraded land rehabilitated through soil and water conservation measure, area enclosure, vetiver grass and indigenous tree plantation, gabion established, stone and soil bund established, conservation agriculture  introduced, biogas   technology introduced and established, fuel wood saving stove established at HH level, spring water developed, washing stand,   shower established.

Food security and Income of target group improved through beekeeping, poultry farm, fruit tree plantation/ apple, mango and orange plantation/, vegetable garden, false banana plantation, vetiver grass bank. Other group established group and individual business such as hair dressing, tea room, sugar and edible oil distribution, dairy farm, stone production, shower room   and etc. On HIV prevention, care and support program target group and large community awareness raised on HIV prevention and living with HIV,  counseling service, economic strengthen and improving balance diet intake, engaging in income generating activities, access for clinical service through referral linkage.

Food security and Income of target group improved through beekeeping, poultry farm, fruit tree plantation/ apple, mango and orange plantation/, vegetable garden, false banana plantation, vetiver grass bank. Other group established group and individual business such as hair dressing, tea room, sugar and edible oil distribution, dairy farm, stone production, shower room   and etc. On HIV prevention, care and support program target group and large community awareness raised on HIV prevention and living with HIV,  counseling service, economic strengthen and improving balance diet intake, engaging in income generating activities, access for clinical service through referral linkage.

Over all over 52 projects were implemented in different region and woredas since its establishment. In 2019/20 it has involved about 1630 volunteers and it has 74 full time staffs.

Terms of Reference;- for OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator

Project Name:- USAID Family Focused HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment Service in Addis Ababa

Position Title:- OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator

Reports To:- OVC service specialist

Vacancy opening date: December, 29/2023

Vacancy closing date: Junary4,/2023

1.      Introduction 

The USAID Funded HIV Prevention Care and Treatment Services is aimed to strengthen local HIV epidemic management in order to accomplish the three 95 targets/goals. HIV mitigation services for children at risk concentrate on case finding and connecting undiagnosed children living with HIV to treatment, improving health outcomes through HIV viral load suppression, and creating interpersonal, family, and community norms to achieve HIV and violence prevention among 10- to 14-year-old children.

USAID Family Focused HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Service award represents a transition from two unique programs OVC & HIV Care and treatment to one integrated program. To serve families infected or affected with HIV who are newly diagnosed, at high risk of default, or do not achieve viral suppression. Hence, this TOR is to employ OVC Health Linkage Coordinators to closely oversee OVC HIVSTAT clinical Cascades at the implementation site, and supervise SSW with health-related activities.


2. Profile:

OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator will have a health background with BSC degree (e.g. (Health Officer or Clinical Nurse), and experience with HIV services within a clinical setting. They must have good communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with clinical and community service providers and government stakeholders.

3. Role:

OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator will act as a link between the HFs they are assigned to and their community organization. They will support HIV testing activities in the community to identify new HIV cases and ensure that C&ALHIV access the services they need so they can adhere and achieve VL suppression. They will work in close collaboration with HIV service providers in HFs (PMTCT, ART, VCT, and Case Manager).

4. Catchment Area: 

OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator will work in a maximum of five HFs/SNUs within an SDP. They will rotate among the five HFs and spend at least one full day in each HF per week. 

5. Responsibilities:

     a)  Case Finding/HIV Testing:

  • Monitor test kit availability during each visit to each HF and SDP with the CEF and notify the HIV service specialist when the number of test kits is low or there is a stock out in a particular HF.
  • Coordinate with the ART focal person and the Case Manager in the HF the line listing of children and siblings of HIV index cases for testing purposes.
  • Coordinate HIV testing activities for OVCs/CGs with VCT staff and the Family Health Team (Health Extension Workers) in HFs, as well as with CEF at the community HIV testing settings.
  • Obtain the counter-referral forms for OVCs/CGs tested for HIV from the VCT focal point at least on a weekly basis and documented at LIP level.
  • Follow-up on OVCs/CGs who test HIV+ to ensure they are linked to ART (immediately or within 48 hrs/2 days).
  • Monitor SSWs’ documentation of HIV risk screening and HTS referrals in the HIV Case Finding Register and provide weekly performance feedback to them.
  • Monitor HIVSTAT and VL logbook at the SDP level and give on-the-spot feedback for assigned SSWs.

b) Adherence and VL Testing:

  • Keep a monthly calendar of appointments in the HF for OVC clients (ART consultation, medication pick up, and VL testing), and share the calendar with SSWs/CWs so they can remind caregivers about these appointments.
  • Follow-up with HIV service providers within the HF provider to confirm that OVC clients kept their appointment. Communicate any missed appointments to the SSWs and CWs immediately (within a week) for quick follow-up.
  • Coordinate with ART focal points the line listing of OVC clients for viral load testing.
  • Monitor VL test results for OVC clients. Communicate high VL test results to the SSWs/CWs for more intensive adherence counseling.
  • Ensure that SSWs/CWs provide appropriate ART adherence counseling to C&ALHIV at risk of defaulting treatment.
  • Ensure conduct barrier analysis for CALHIV with HVL (High viral load) and identified gaps to provide need-based service.
  • Ensure appropriate service maps and service directories will be developed all service-proving sites.
  • Establish and Strengthen COTZ in the community setting.
  • Monitor the documentation of adherence support activities in the Community Adherence Register and provide weekly performance feedback to SSWs.
  • Line list C&ALHIV IIT and coordinate tracing activities with the Youth Peer Mentors.
  • Participate in monthly case conferencing meetings in the HF to discuss cases of children and adolescents facing challenges with adherence and VL suppression.
  • In collaboration with HF staff (PMTCT, VCT, ART, Case Manager), identify existing and newly diagnosed children and adolescents, HIV-exposed infants (babies born to HIV+ mothers), not enrolled in OVC and:

o   Offer them to the OVC program for enrollment. The services provided by OVC will contribute to ensuring adherence and VL suppression among children and adolescents.

o   Link C&ALHIV whose caregiver refuses enrollment in OVC to facility-based case management services

c) Supervision Responsibilities:

  • OVC_ Health Linkage Referral Coordinator will supervise and coach SSWs and CWs.

 d) Reporting Responsibilities:

  • Prepare a daily (and weekly verified) report on the number of OVC clients tested and linked to ART using the “Positive trucking and linkage registered” form and Documented at the LIP level
  • Report the number of CALHIV who received VL testing and VL test results to the OVC service specialist
  • Ensure the CALHIV/positive caregivers’ data is recorded into the CommCare case management platform in near real-time.

e) Other Responsibilities:

  • Attend weekly coordination meetings and/or MDT at the health facility level.
  • Attend weekly referral coordination meetings at the woreda level.
  • Coordinate and participate in weekly OVC performance review meetings.

6. Performance Expectations:

  • The social service workers supervisor will be responsible for delivering the following results:
  • Line listing of <19 children of index cases
  • Getting all children of index cases to line listed tested.
  • Pediatrics case finding
  • Line listing of children and adolescents for VL testing and getting them tested.
  • Line listing of children and adolescents with high VL and ensuring they receive enhanced adherence support and achieve VL suppression.
  • Community-based case management, psychosocial and mental health services for positive caregivers and OVC
  • Strengthen the use of CommCare data for performance improvement
  • Continuous quality improvement using QI projects
  • Program Integration with HIV service activities

Skills, qualifications and experience

  • BSC in Nursing or public Health
  • 2 or more years’ experience in HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment activities
  • Excellent negotiation and partnership management skills.

As per the scale of the organization with attractive benefit package
