Livelihoods Officer – Plan International Ethiopia

Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resource
Plan International Ethiopia
Founded over 80 years ago, Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters, and partners. Headquartered in the UK, Plan International works in a total of 75 countries in AFRICA, ASIA, EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, and the NORTH AMERICANS
By actively involving children, and working at the grassroots with no religious, political, or governmental affiliation, Plan International unites and inspires people around the globe to transform the world and make positive lasting changes in children’s lives.
Plan International’s first operation in Ethiopia started in Lalibela, in November 1974 and is currently implementing its program in Gambella, Benishangul-Gumuz, Afar, Oromia, Amhara, SNNPR, and Addis Ababa City Administration. Plan International Ethiopia will also continue low presence in Somali and Tigray. Furthermore, if there is a national-level emergency crisis in the country Plan International Ethiopia will respond quickly, effectively, and at a significant scale, even in areas where we are not present.
Plan International is a rights-based development and humanitarian organization working for better lives for all children. We are independent of government and have no political or religious affiliation. Our purpose is to strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.
The position holder will be responsible for project implementation and ensuring the quality and effectiveness of Plan’s emergency response within his/her designated geographical area mainly related to FAO funded project that would be currently under implemented in Nine – seven districts, namely, districts of SNNPR- including project implementation, day-to-day monitoring and reporting.
management scope, reporting lines, key relationships
Reports to: Emergency Project Coordinator
Direct report: CDFs will report to this position holder
Key relationships
Internal: The job holder has a close working relationship internally with the following departments and/or functions:
- Emergency Project staffs in SNNPR field office: the nature of project routine implementation involve close contact and frequent communication with all staff members
- Program beneficiaries: ensure beneficiary selection, documentation of list and smooth operationalization of the project
- Local government sector offices: for effective planning and execution of the project
- Woreda agriculture, DRMC and Local other stakeholders: beneficiary selection input distribution, reporting and ensuring sound execution of the project
Level of contact with children
- High: Frequent contact with children
Physical Environment
The incumbent will spend much of his/her time in community and targeted districts where the travel requirement is often.
Accountability and MAIN WORK ACTIVITIES
Organize and Lead Multidisciplinary Emergency teams (15%)
- Lead a multi-disciplinary professional emergency teams consisting of (up to 15 staff) working in the project site such as livelihoods officers and CDFs
- Ensure emergency assessments are effectively undertaken and implement integrated emergency response, recovery and exit strategies in close collaboration with major partners and stakeholders
- Ensure all team members clearly understand and carry out their duties in accordance with personal work-plans, humanitarian principles, core values, the Code of Conduct and SPHERE.
- Work collaboratively in close relation with field, SNNPR field office coordinator/manager and concerned CO staffs
- Promote productive work environment respectful of the Code of Conduct with zero tolerance for verbal and physical abuse or discrimination against other persons on the grounds of race, colour, sex or creed.
- Ensure all team members (CDFs) are fully briefed on all aspects of security, social and cultural norms and local conditions and behaviour.
- Create the conditions to ensure effective teamwork and morale is strictly observed.
Provide feedback on periodic performance of CDF’s to PC and provide timely feedback to CDFs along with PC.
- Ensure logistical resources demands are fully assessed, identified, described and communicated to the PC and log officer,
- Ensure compliance with all Ethiopian government legal, contractual, labour and statutory requirements.
- Communicate effectively on usage, procedures and relevant communications protocols to all emergency response team under his supervision.
Managing project budget (5%)
- Provide support for field emergency finance teams in providing financial documents that help for settlement purpose.
Project implementation coordination, monitoring, follow up and reporting (30%)
- Provide leadership in designing, implementing and monitoring sound emergency and recovery livelihood project activities in Plan targeted districts as per the agreed project documents and work plan including income-generating activities, CTP and the provision of livestock and seed inputs;
- Coordinate and lead livelihood & recovery projects during planning, budget preparation, implementation, M&E and timely reporting ensuring quality and standards through enhanced partnership with government and non-government partners zonal, woreda and local levels and also civic organizations including CBOs;
- Coordinate the designing/development of FSL projects and ensure projects are effectively implemented, monitored/reviewed, evaluated and progress and final reports are timely compiled and shared with PC for SNNPR for review and then submission to the CO.
- Facilitate joint supportive supervision with concerned government sectors from region and district (through drafting and submission of ToR to PC)
- Facilitate beneficiary selection along with CDFs, community representatives and government structures
- Summit beneficiary master data to PC for further submission to the CO before project input distribution.
- Ensure adequate monitoring, reporting and acquittal of emergency response activities in accordance with donor regulations, country and national office requests, international humanitarian accountability frameworks and relevant SPHERE standards
- Provide continuous technical and organizational support and capacity building to field team and woreda and community level extension agents
- Make regular visits to input distribution sites and ensure delivery of project inputs/seeds on timely basis;
- Ensure the PC and SNNPR Field Office Coordinator are kept informed about project progress (weekly plan and achievements);
- Contributes to their individual accountability plan and understands how they contribute to the team and organisational plan.
- Organize training for field staff of Plan and partners to build core skills in livelihood concept, recovery and resilience building;
- Actively participate in rapid assessments and provide input in designing of concept notes and project proposal in areas of emergency response, livelihoods recovery and food security;
- Facilitate the implementation of project activities are carried out in accordance with the agreed LoA with the donor, work-plans and proposals
Managing relationship and networking with government, partners and other stakeholders (10%)
- Participate in coordination meeting held at Woreda and community levels and provide progresses regarding the project implementation.
- Establish and maintain constructive working relationships with other NGO’s and UN agencies operating in the district, local government, bilateral and multilateral donors, and other principle stakeholders including the military where present and if necessary.
- Ensure that sex disaggregated beneficiary data collected and submitted to the PC, and provide required information to PC that help to produce progress report in accordance to the reporting template and within their reporting schedule.
Conduct community need assessment before developing projects (10%)
- Coordinate and support local level assessments, surveys and other studies and assist proposal development to finance projects
- Facilitate visits that planned by regional government, CO as well as the donor.
Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI) (10%)
- Understands and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GEI policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
- Ensures that all staff in the unit are properly inducted on and understands their role in upholding Plan International’s safeguarding and GEI policies;
- Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in day to day work.
Technical expertise, skills and knowledge
Qualifications/ experience essential:
- BSc in Crop Production and Agronomy, Development studies, Sociology or other related fields is required with a minimum of 3-5 years of related working experience.
- Good managerial experience, including managing budgets
Qualifications and experience desirable
- Equipped with sufficient level of awareness on : Early warning concepts; agriculture, Disaster risk management practice and know how; food security and livelihoods framework and Gender,
- Knowledge of Plan policies and procedures, Sphere and the Red Cross/ NGO Code of Conduct
- Knowledge of child rights programming
- Good knowledge of field level realities of humanitarian NGOs work;
- Experience of working in SNNPR and speak Local language;
- Knowledge of FSL, CTP, Agriculture, EWS, DRR and DCM;
- Good understanding of the external operating environment including government policies, strategies, guidelines and operating procedures in managing emergencies and disasters in the country Perform multiple, non-technical tasks with a potential need to upgrade skills in order to meet changing job conditions.
- Ability to work independently
Languages required
- English language
- Knowledge of local language is desirable
Plan International’s Values in Practice
We are open and accountable
We create a climate of trust inside and outside the organization by being open, honest and transparent. We hold ourselves and others to account for the decisions we make and for our impact on others, while doing what we say we will do.
We strive for lasting impact
We strive to achieve significant and lasting impact on the lives of children and young people, and to secure equality for girls. We challenge ourselves to be bold, courageous, responsive, focused and innovative.
We work well together
We succeed by working effectively with others, inside and outside the organization, including our sponsors and donors. We actively support our colleagues, helping them to achieve their goals. We come together to create and implement solutions in our teams, across Plan International, with children, girls, young people, communities and our partners.
We are inclusive and empowering
We respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge inequality in our programmes and our workplace. We support children, girls and young people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential.