Job & Enterprise Market Assessment to underpin socio-economic programming using the graduation approach with vulnerable households in, Addis Ababa and Hawassa, PR NO-HO-YCF-15712 – GOAL Ethiopia
Consultancy and Training
GOAL Ethiopia
GOAL’s purpose is to save lives and empower communities to develop resilience and greater control over their lives and livelihoods. GOAL aims to increase the resilient wellbeing of the world’s poorest people and focuses on those who are excluded or marginalized, particularly those who are vulnerable due to socio-economic status, gender or age.
John O’Shea founded GOAL in 1977, and throughout the 42 years since its foundation, GOAL has responded to almost all of the world’s major humanitarian crises since, working with vulnerable communities in more than 60 countries.
While GOAL continues to be an agile first-responder to humanitarian crises, it is also committed to working with vulnerable communities to help them survive crises and support them on the road to recovery.
GOAL Ethiopia is established in Ethiopia since 1984 as foreign organization and registered under the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Agency for Civil Society Organizations Proclamation No 113/2019, is a global humanitarian non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering by providing humanitarian service and long-term development programming. GOAL in Ethiopia is currently working in eight regions and two city administrations of the country. GOAL is experienced in providing live saving emergency response and development programs.
GOAL is currently providing humanitarian and development services to crisis affected communities through its health, nutrition, WASH, Emergency shelter and non-food items, Food security and livelihoods, and protection programs. GOAL is operational in Oromia, Tigray, Afar, Somali, SNNP, Benshangul Gumuz, Gambella and Amhara regions. In addition, it has operational presence in Addis Ababa and Hawassa cities working through its local partners.
GOAL wishes to commission a job and enterprise market assessment in Addis Ababa and Hawassa to underpin the context specific design of socio-economic programming using the Graduation Approach, targeting vulnerable households, with a particular focus on three target groups, street affected youth, refugees/migrant returnees, and ultra-poor households.
Purpose of the Assessment
The purpose of this job and enterprise market assessment is specifically to underpin socio-economic programming in four sub cities of Addis Ababa and Hawassa, using the Graduation Approach methodology and targeting street affected youth, refugee / returnees, and ultra-poor households. The assessment will be framed from both a demand and supply perspective with considerations for gender, youth, refugee, and disability inclusion.
Specific Objectives
- To analyze and summarize the Ethiopian urban economic context, sector performance and growth areas, and business enabling environment; and a gendered socio-demographic description of the three target groups, street affected youth, refugees/migrant returnees, and ultra-poor households; and provide clear recommendations for sectors which present opportunities for jobs and micro-enterprises for the target groups. (Inception report)
- An analysis from both a demand and supply perspective of a number of employment / job sectors for the three target groups, and a mapping of potential employers and labor exchange services.
- An analysis from a demand and supply perspective of the potential market opportunities for micro-enterprises in the target area with target groups and an understanding of who is supplying business incubation and market linkage services.
- A mapping and analysis from a demand and supply perspective of public, private & SME skills training providers, and their training offerings
- A mapping and analysis from a demand and supply perspective of low financial and digital literacy financial service providers and their products and services, appropriate to the target groups.
- A mapping and analysis from a supply perspective of existing social service providers in health, education, legal and protection services
Detailed Scope of Work
A well referenced inception report detailing:
1. A current analysis of the Ethiopian urban economy, sector performance and growth areas (max 1 page)
2. A short analysis of the formal and informal labor market and Ethiopia’s SME enabling environment (max 1 page)
3. A gendered socio-demographic description of the three target groups, street affected youth, refugees/migrant returnees, and ultra-poor households in Addis Ababa and Hawassa (max 2 pages).
4. A list of the key policies and summary of guidance for 1. Urban poverty, 2. Urban jobs/labor, 3. MSMEs/ business enabling environment and 4. Skills, 5. Financial inclusion, 6. Refugees and 7. Protection (max. 1 page each using the format).
5. A scoping (from both secondary and primary sources) of sectors where there are opportunities for 1. jobs and 2. micro-enterprises in Addis Ababa and Hawassa and clear recommendations for the sector focus of the job / enterprise market assessment (max 2 pages), with the methodology and tools developed for the collection of primary data for each, supply side data collection tools.
6. An online presentation of the findings with the GOAL team to agree the number of sectors of focus for 1. jobs and 2. micro-enterprises (max 2.5 hrs)
7. A final inception report to include methodology for the assessment, and the development of additional tools.
Final Job & Enterprise Market Assessment report to be divided into five parts.
These sections inform the context specific Graduation Approach programme through:
1. Jobs/labor – sign posting participants taking the job pathways to potential employers and what skills they are looking for.
2. Micro-enterprises – sign posting participants/micro-enterprises to market actors for market / business linkages and what skills are appropriate.
3. Market facing skill training providers – matching participant taking both the job and micro-enterprise pathway to appropriate market facing skill training and to estimate an average training cost for budgeting.
4. Financial services – identifying appropriate financial products and services for the target groups.
5. Social and protection services – to guide Coaches referring participating households to appropriate social and protection services.
Key Deliverables:
· A well referenced and presented draft inception report following the structure and guidance.
· A presentation of the findings and recommendations from the inception report
· A final inception report detailing demand and supply (outlined above) primary data collection tools.
· Draft Job & Enterprise Market Assessment report following the structure and guidance.
· A half day workshop to present the overall findings for GOAL and partners.
· Final report (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in DOC format)
· An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the labor market study data set
The evaluator(s) should be a firm consultant(s) with the following expertise:
· The firm must have renewed license and vat registered.
· University degree of the professional area relevant to the system to be analysed.
· Knowledge of job / enterprise policy and practice in Ethiopia.
· Strong qualitative data collection, analysis and writing skills.
· Previous experience in undertaking similar assignments.
· Have consultancy or research business licenses.