Invitation for Consultancy Service Mapping key biodiversity areas and determining their dynamics – Environment and Coffee Forest Forum

Consultancy and Training, Economics

Environment and Coffee Forest Forum

Environment and Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF) is a local, non-political, non-religious, and not-for-profit civil society organization, licensed and registered in 2005 and re-registered in 2009 and 2019 in accordance with the relevant laws. The vision of ECFF is a healthy and prosperous society that values, conserves and sustainably uses nature. We strive to reverse degradation of natural environment, and support societies and government to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conservation biodiversity, and promoting sustainable and equitable use of renewable natural resources.

ECFF is a member of the consortium led by Global Green Growth Institution (GGGI) in implementation of the project entitled “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forested Landscape“, jointly with International Development Enterprise (iDE). The project aims to achieve sustainable management and conservation of forested landscapes in Southwest Ethiopia. This will address climate, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and economic benefits through a gender-transformative and socially inclusive approach. The project’s geographical area is in Southwestern Ethiopia (Oromia and South Western Ethiopia Peoples Regional States). It will be implemented in six zones and 12 kebeles of the two regions over three year’s period.

Some of the project budget is allocated for consultancy services to map key biodiversity areas and determine their dynamics. Hence, ECFF is inviting eligible consultancy firms to conduct following: 

Assess land use land cover and map different ecosystems or habitat types, including their level of protection and threat status;

  • Conduct ground verification of the habitat types identified through different remote sensing;
  • Assess gaps in the conservation of representative habitats and ecosystems in each administrative unit;
  • Conduct Rapid biodiversity assessment of unique assemblage of biodiversity associated with each habitat type;
  • Develop conservation planning that aligns with national biodiversity strategies and action plans. and
  • Conduct  a validation workshop with all relevant stakeholders 

A licensed consultancy firm with valid and renewed consultancy business licenses may apply. It is expected that the consultancy firm will deploy experts who have in-depth experience and expertise in the area of the assignment (biodiversity, ecosystem, mapping of different ecosystems, etc…). The experts should have the following qualifications;

  • Lead consultant: advanced degree (preferably a PhD) in Ecology, Botany, Biodiversity management or forestry, with over 15 years work experience, and proven track record of conducting similar research and consultancy works;
  • Land Use Planning Expert: MSc or above in GIS and Remote Sensing, with at least 10 years work experience and proven track record in land use land cover analysis, land use planning and implementation;
  • Socio-economist: MSc or above in economics, sociology or rural development, with at least 10 years work experience in similar assessments on human-nature interactions and sustainable development planning.
  • Firm and team members experience in similar assignments that can be verified with previous reports;
  • Past work experience in the project area;
  • Fluency in English; knowledge of local languages is an advantage
