Hygiene and Sanitation Promoter – People In Need – PIN

Development and Project Management, Health Care

People In Need – PIN

People in Need is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. We consider human dignity and freedom to be fundamental values. We believe that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their lives and to share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our Profile

The People in Need organization was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents who were no longer satisfied with merely relaying information about ongoing conflicts and began sending out aid. It gradually became established as a professional humanitarian organization striving to provide aid in troubled regions and support adherence to human rights around the world.

Throughout our over 25 years of its existence, People in Need has become one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Central Europe. In addition to humanitarian aid and human rights, it now also targets education and helps people living in social exclusion.

We are part of Alliance2015, a strategic network of seven European non-governmental organizations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectiveness, both in working in the target countries and in campaigns aimed at influencing the attitudes of politicians and the general public in Europe.

In our over 16 years operation in Ethiopia, has focused on projects in five main areas of interest: Education and Social protection, Environment, Livelihood and Agriculture, Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Emergency programs

More information at www.peopleinneed.cz     or     https://www.clovekvtisni.cz/en/what-we-do/humanitarian-aid-and-development/ethiopia

PIN currently invites applicants for the position of:

Our Profile

    People in Need is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanity, freedom, equality and solidarity. 

      People in Need was established in 1992 by a group of Czech war correspondents, journalists and activists and has grown to become one of the largest non-profit organization in Central and Eastern Europe. Throughout our 30 years of existence, People in Need continues to engage in humanitarian aid, development cooperation, education and social inclusion. 

      We have been operating in Ethiopia since 2003, working in four regions; Oromia, SNNP, Sidama and Tigray in different multi sectoral projects in the areas of development and emergency response. 

      People in Need, from the very start of its operations in Ethiopia, has focused on projects in five main areas of interest: Education, Agriculture, Climate and Environment, Water and Social protection. 

      We are part of Alliance 2015, (https://www.alliance2015.org/ a strategic network of seven European non-governmental organizations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectiveness, both in working in the target countries and in campaigns change to advocacy aimed at influencing the attitudes and policies of politicians and general public opinion and awareness in Europe.  

      More information at https://www.peopleinneed.net/  or HERE.

      PIN currently is seeking energetic, disciplined, responsible Hygiene and Sanitation Promoter for the specific project ‘‘Emergency WASH response to the acute needs of the most vulnerable IDPs, returnees and host communities in Konso and South Omo, SNNPR and Tigray regions, Ethiopia’’. PIN currently invites applicants for the position of Hygiene and Sanitation Promoter

      Length of Contract: Definite until May 30/2024

      Hygiene and sanitation promoter specific tasks are:

      Hygiene and sanitation promoter will plan, coordinate and follow up grass root level for emergency responses under the project and responsible to achieve the specific results in the field in proper quality and time. Hygiene promotor works under supervision of a Field Coordinator and with close cooperation with other project team and other departments like HR, Financial, Logistic, M and E, Safeguarding, Engineering departments. 

      Hygiene promotor Specific tasks are:

      • Oversees the project’s hygiene promotion activities including preparation, promotion, and distribution of IEC materials, community meetings and awareness raising campaigns, behavior change communication techniques, etc.  
      •  Ensure that the project’s hygiene promotion indicators and targets are achieved as outlined in the work plan  
      • Conduct training of trainers (ToTs) for public health focal points (HEW & HAD)   
      •  Work closely with the program team members in order to integrate hygiene promotion activities into other activities (NFI distributions, construction works, etc.) 
      • Conduct meetings and discussions (focus group discussions; community conservations, etc.) on a regular basis to understand the main gaps in awareness on public health and hygiene, preferred communication channels of the community, etc.  
      • In close coordination with M&E, include questions on public health and hygiene awareness and behaviors in baseline, end line, and other monitoring activities  
      •  Incorporate hygiene promotion messages and trainings into the trainings for the WASHOCOs (WASH committees) 
      •  Participate in Working Groups and coordination efforts related to hygiene promotion, behavior change communication, etc. in the project area  
      •  Closely coordinate with your PIN Hygiene Promotion colleagues to ensure that messages and approaches are harmonized across projects and locations 
      • Ensure COVID-19 prevention messages are mainstreamed throughout the hygiene promotion activities  
      • Stay up-to-date on key messages from the government, WHO, Clusters, etc. and update materials accordingly 
      • In close coordination with the procurement team, support in the preparation of procurement plans, prepare procurement requests, etc. related to hygiene promotion and IEC materials or services  
      •  Provide regular updates to the Project Manager on the progress of the hygiene promotion activities  
      •  Collaborate with other actors working in the target community 
      • Be flexible and be able to give assistance with different activities not included in this primary job description. 
      •  Perform other related duties assigned by supervisor


      • Substituting other Project managers during their leave as assigned by the Program manager
      • Other assignments corresponding to actual needs of the mission.

      Accountability and Safeguarding including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH)

      • Carry out the duties in accordance with the PIN Code of Conduct and Key policies.
      • Participate in training and awareness raising (CoC and KP, Safeguarding…).
      • Ensure that his/her team members attend training and awareness sessions and carry out the duties in accordance with PIN Code of Conduct and Key policies. 
      •  Ensure that due diligence and/or capacity assessments of partners include an assessment of partners’ implementation of key safeguarding and risk policies/ procedure including the prevention of SEAH.   
      • Create and maintain a fulfilling and protective environment. 


      • Standard work schedule of 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday
      • Per diems for working and Accommodation outside of the duty office depending on the location
      • Transport Allowance
      • Bank loan facilities
      • 20 days of paid annual and after 5 years of work an extra paid day for every year
      • Extra days of paid leaves for selected holidays
      • Medical insurance, including spouse and children
      • Accident insurance for all injuries during work time based on the law
      • Pension contribution of 11 % from PIN
      • Paternity leave of extra 2 paid days above the mandatory 3 days
      • Maternity leave according to the law and extra financial motherhood support
      • Monthly mobile phone hybrid tariff
      • PIN supports fast career growth and internal mobility
      • International environment with opportunities to learn from other PIN’s country programs
      • Extensive Capacity Building program, both internal and external trainings, including the Induction training
      • Internal online learning opportunities, such as access to PIN’s e-learning platform and webinars
      • Annual staff retreat
      • Friendly and fair work environment with small collective where everyone knows each other
      • Degree in the field of Education, Educational Planning and Management, Educational Leadership and Management, or other related field of studies
      • Above 3 years’ Experience in Relevant technical and emergency practical experience of Health extension program package such as prevention of Epidemic disease, Hygiene sanitation, with Governmental and NGO experience is an assets, Experience with MFA, USAID/BHA, ECHO, funded project and demonstrated experience in EiE and WASH sectors etc.

