Human Resource for Health/Leadership Governance Management (HRH/LGM) Officer – Amref Health Africa

Health Care

Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa (formerly African Medical Research Foundation) is the premier African-led international health development organization headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Founded in 1957 as the Flying Doctors of East Africa to bring critical health services to remote communities, Amref Health Africa in the intervening years has broadened its mission to include training of some 500 thousand community health workers and managing the design and implementation of health development projects in more than 30 countries across Africa. With a focus on women and children, Amref Health Africa strives to overcome the most critical health challenges facing the continent: maternal and child health, HIV & TB, malaria, clean water and sanitation and surgical and clinical outreach. Amref Health Africa has offices in Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, South Sudan, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda as well as in Europe and North America. The organization employs over 1,000 people.

Although Amref Health Africa has been formally registered in Ethiopia in 1998, a full-fledged country program was started in 2002. Since then, the country program has grown from one project in Addis Ababa to over 20 projects in five regions (Addis Ababa, Afar, North Shewa, Oromiya and Southern Nation, Nationalities and People Region). Amref Health Africa Health Africa, Ethiopia is working in health development with the motto of lasting health change in Africa.


Amref Health Africa was founded in 1957 and has since grown to become the largest African-based international health development organization, currently implementing more than 150 programs which directly reach more than 20 million people across 35 countries in Africa. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, Amref has fully-fledged offices in Ethiopia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Senegal, South Sudan, and Zambia; eleven advocacy and fundraising offices in Europe and North America; and a staff complement of over 1,500.

The Ethiopia Country office is registered in 2002 and operational for more than two decades. Currently, we are operational in all regions of Ethiopia with more than 300 staffs and wide portfolio of PHC, RMNCAYH-N, Youth Development, WASH and DPC including NTDs.

Our vision is to bring about ‘Lasting health change in Africa’, by supporting Ethiopia’s vision of healthy, productive and prosperous society.  We believe that the power to transform Africa’s health lies within its communities, and therefore strive to ensure that health systems are not only functional but that communities are empowered to hold these systems accountable for the delivery of quality and affordable health care.

 About Integrated Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Project

Integrated Health System Strengthening Project is a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) investment co-designed with Amref Health Africa and MOH to support the design and implementation of a platform mechanism/s for health systems strengthening for primary health care (PHC) in Ethiopia. The focus of this investment is primarily at the subnational level (regional and district) with links to national efforts. The design will focus on integration of key HSS pillars – e.g., Human Resources for Health (HRH), Health Care Financing (HCF), Data, and Leadership and Governance – to support PHC administrators and managers toward optimizing health systems for improved service delivery. 

 Job Purpose:

The Human Resource for Health (HRH) and Leadership, Governance and Management (LGM) officer will be responsible for providing management and technical assistance in day to day implementation of IHSS program with more focus on HRH/LGM domain at subnational level. S/he reports directly to the IHSS Regional Technical Coordinator. He/She will be primarily responsible for ensuring the achievement of specific project deliverables and targets of IHSS.

a)  Planning and coordination

  • Plan and coordinate the implementation of activities of the project.
  • Conduct project review and planning meetings to provide technical assistance in defining tangible targets, project objectives, and revision of indicators
  • Ensure that project schedules/plans are coordinated and completed timely and give support in the project target woredas/regions.
  • Coordinate and ensure that the project’s administrative processes, such as logistics, procurement, and policies are fully implemented according to Amref Health Africa and the donor organization requirements.
  • Ensure timely and complete field monitoring of Amref supported activities and submit transparent and timely reports to supervisor.
  • Ensure effective coordination for IHSS project communication activities with Woreda, Zonal, RHB representatives, NGOs and other partners to ensure coherent, complementary planning and support for the IHSS activities at the sub-regional level.
  • Highlight gaps, using field reports and realistic data on performance and technical coverage.

b) Stakeholder Management

  • Build and maintain strong collaborative working relationships with Woreda Health office, regional health bureau and others relevant regional officials.
  • Actively participate in coordination and networking relationships.
  • Liaise with Woreda Health Teams to promote, review/ develop track and use health indicators in health system, HRH and LGM planning and identify best practices that can be translated into scale-up activities.
  • Advocate and liaise closely with stakeholder and partners in the sub-region as a champion for increasing community-wide engagement for IHSS.
  • Maintain close working relationships with other Amref projects including IPHCSD and WVLO projects.

c) Capacity Development

  • Work with all relevant stakeholders to address training on health system with focus on HRH/LGM capacity-building needs and deliver relevant interventions to the beneficiaries in the project areas.
  • Liaise with the woreda health officials to assess health facility infrastructure needs with regard health system with focus on HRH/LMG related interventions and plan for the provision of those within the project work plan and budget.
  • Work with the Woreda Health Team to educate how the IHSS project is delivered and document lesson leaning.
  • Use appropriate IEC and other behavior change communication materials in coordination with regional technical coordinator, regional manager, Woreda Health Teams, and HRH/LGM advisor and support appropriate translation into local languages, distribution, and utilization.

d) M & E

  • Ensure documentation, monitoring visit and follow up on actions points.
  • Document improvement or changes recommended at last monitoring visit.
  • Report regularly to Regional technical coordinator on project updates, issues, needs, problems, or ideas for improving the project performance

e) Financial Management

  • Manage the project budget for HRH/LGM activities by developing activity work plans and budget plans
  • Ensure that financial utilization is in accordance with the approved budget and in compliance with Amref Health Africa and donor organization requirements.
  • Communicate with respective program accountant and analyze the budget utilization to identify the implementation gaps

Academic Qualification:

  • Master’s degree in public health, or other health disciplines.

Required Expectancies:

  • Demonstrated HSS and HRH and LGM expertise
  • Ability to build and work with networks
  • Well organized, results focused, creative, innovative and flexible

Required Experience:

  • Minimum Five (5) years of experience working in health systems strengthening, expertise in Human Resource for Health (HRH) and Leadership, Governance and Management (LGM) issues in Ethiopia and the region where the position is located.


  • Ability and self-discipline to work with minimum or no supervision;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbal & written);
  • Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, & MS Outlook) and the Internet application;
  • Able to work with people of diverse cultural backgrounds;
  • Can foster an open trusting work environment;
  • Ability to work effectively in a team-driven environment;
  • Accepts accountability for work assigned and performed;
  • Supports a customer-centered approach to programs, services, and systems;
  • Willing to travel to the field extensively;
  • Willing to work within the Amref policies, systems, procedures and methods 

