FSL-Cash Officer – Save the Children

Agriculture, Development and Project Management, Economics

Save the Children

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Ethiopia and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Save the Children Ethiopia works in 9 regions in Ethiopia with a current staff complement of approximately 2,500 staff. The size of the programme and the amount of human, financial and material resources put into it as well as the requirements of different donors requires substantial amount of quality and efficient human resource. This makes Save the Children an exciting place to work.

Accordingly, Save the Children Ethiopia is looking to hire creative individuals who have the experience and competencies to work; support the development of an organisational culture that reflects dual mandate values; help establish, maintain, and improve active and regular working relationships with host government authorities, partner agencies including humanitarian and development donors, and local and international NGOs; ensure Ethiopia Country Office complies with all Save the Children Management Operating Standards and Standard Operating Procedures and that all required support is provided promptly, at scale and in line with the rules and principles.


Responsible for day-to-day activities of the implementation and the evaluation of the project. This position has the role of implementing, following up, monitoring, and evaluating the program activities, and securing commitments and accountability for FSL results in the implementation area.

Ensure correct beneficiary selection procedure and criteria are used during the beneficiaries targeting process

Ensure any feedback from beneficiaries or target communities is correctly collected and shared with the coordinator, is responded to appropriately, or raised with the FSL manager, Advisor, or Manager if needed


  • This position has the role of implementing, following up, monitoring, and evaluating the program activities, and securing commitments and accountability for FSL results in the implementation area.
  • Responsible for FSL day to day activity implementation in Fer-Fer and Adadle  woredas
  • Work closely with FSL Project Assistants, local government line Offices and the communities in the planning and coordination of the Save the Children FSL Activity Under Cash project
  • Provide regular reports and updates to the Project Coordinator regarding project activities from the Field 
  • Ensure correct beneficiary selection procedure and criteria are followed by the FSL Facilitator, community mobilizers, and committees;
  • Ensure any feedback from beneficiaries or target communities shared by FSL Project Facilitator and the community members are responded to appropriately or raised with Project
  • Coordinator, and Take any Advisor or Manager as needed
  • Support FSL Facilitator in the planning of their day to day activities;
  • Coordinate with FSL Coordinator and field finance team, field logistics in the planning of cash distribution activities.
  • Ensure that beneficiaries are adequately communicated about project activities and plans, including distribution date and conditions required for verification.
  • Training of FSL Facilitator and data collectors on PDM tools and price monitoring tools and regularly check the quality of information collected
  • Provide regular progress reports to the Project coordinator as per the requirement
  • Prepare monthly and quarterly plans for monitoring, review, and quarterly and annual project reports and plans
  • Be fully aware of how far the project fulfills child rights in terms of SCI’s strategic and thematic plans.  Ensure that Child Rights programming is effectively incorporated into all aspects of SCI’s work
  • Organize meetings to sensitize communities about the purpose and modalities of the food security and livelihoods project
  • Insure all Document relevant distribution data (Beneficiary List, Master list are well Completed and Corrected)
  • Participate and lead the selection of beneficiaries for the different Criteria
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
  • Works closely with implementing partners to oversee the quality of work and provide technical support

 Technical Support role

  • Support communities to increase their knowledge and skills through training, exposure and joint actions
  • Strengthen community self-mobilization through their leaders for participation in their planning, implementation and monitoring of activities
  • Share latest development ideas and appropriate technologies to community members/groups 
  • Share information on support and cooperation opportunities with communities and other stakeholders
  • Use a variety of extension methods, which are suited to the situation, and build the capacities (knowledge, and skills) of communities and GoE extension agents 
  • Promote constructive customary mechanisms and institution building with in communities
  • Promote adoption of approaches that leads to sustainable development
  • Build communities’ management skills in analysis and reflection processes, setting goals for improvements, planning implementation steps, taking action, and monitoring progress

Supervision/Monitoring/Coordination and documentation role

  • Analysing, tabulation, documentation and dissemination data collected by FSL facilitators
  • Acquire accurate information about pastoral families/households, their problems, needs and capabilities as well as changes and trends in the communities, including their driving factors and impeding forces
  • Develop a simple and sustainable supervision and monitoring system to guide the communities in monitoring project activities with collaboration of FSL facilitators

In order to be successful you will bring/have:

  • Diploma/First degree (BSC) in agriculture, livelihoods, rural development, economics, or related field
  • At least 2 years of proven experience in livelihoods, NRM and DRR, food security, and/or emergency livelihood/food security interventions in NGOs or similar organization in pastoral areas
  • Strong Knowledge of Cash Transfer Modality and Selection Criteria
  • Substantial experience in managing team, coordinating, mobilizing the community, planning, implementation, supervision, monitoring, and reporting
  • Proven ability to manage a complex and demanding workload
  • Excellent Report Writing and English proficiency skills
  • Experience and knowledge of pastoral context preferably Somali region and knowledge of Somali language is advantageous
  • Good advocacy, communication, presentation, and facilitation skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and an ability to train and mentor staff
  • Work experience in diverse international NGOs is an asset
  • Ability and willingness to travel and work in rural areas where the project is implemented

Qualified Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply

We offer a competitive package in the context of the sector.  The duty station of the position holder will be in Fer-Fer and Adadle Woredas of Shabelle Zone Somali Regional State in Ethiopia. This role is offered on the basis of national terms and conditions only.

The Organisation

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education, and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realize the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard. 

We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

  • No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • All children learn from quality basic education and that,
  • Violence against children is no longer tolerated

We know that great people make a great organization and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive environment where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued. 
