Assessment of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in CLM Project Watersheds – Gopa Worldwide Consulting

Agriculture, Consultancy and Training, Social Sciences and Community
Gopa Worldwide Consulting
GOPA Worldwide Consulting GmbH is inviting competent consultant to conduct assessment of payments for ecosystem services (PES) in Climate-Sensitive Innovations in Land Management (CLM) Project Watersheds.
GOPA Worldwide Consulting GmbH has been engaged by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), to support the implementation of Output II of the project “Climate-Sensitive Innovations in Land Management” (CLM), which is a technical cooperation (TC) module of the program “Sustainable Land Management and Food Security in Ethiopia”. The objective of GIZ CLM project Output 2 is “The delivery capacities of agricultural advisory service providers for services regarding the establishment of efficient community based SLM organizations are strengthened”. The successful implementation of Output 2 of the CLM project is expected to capacitate local service provider institutions, extension experts and development agents, enable community watershed user Cooperatives (WUCs) to effectively use and manage watershed resources.
Following the proclamation # 1223/2020 for the establishment of watershed users’ cooperatives, many community watershed users’ cooperative societies (CWUCS) have been establishing legally and operating at the community level that have the potential to play an important role in the facilitation, planning and implementation of community-based land management (CBLM) interventions.
Sustainable management of natural resources by the community may require ensuring sustainable livelihood improving income generation options and mechanisms for the community. One such option is to make the community beneficiary of the services generated due to improvements natural resources services because of their efforts. Development of payment for ecosystem service (PES) schemes could serve as a sustainable solution to these concerns. This TOR is therefore prepared with the above background to assess potentials for PESs and designing of appropriate schemes.
Scope of the Work:
The study will be conducted in three watersheds located in three different regions. The consultant is expected to assess marketable ecosystem services generated by project interventions in selected pilot project watersheds; assess the potential markets for ecosystem services and design the market value chain for such ecosystem services based on primary and secondary sources of information.
Expected output and deliverables.
- Inception report detaining methodology, outlines, and plan of implementation to be reviewed and approved by GIZ CLM technical team before start of work.
- Draft report to be reviewed by GIZ CLM technical team with separate chapters for:
- tradable ecological services created by the community watershed development (CWDP) in selected CLM watersheds.
- willingness to pay for the improvement in the ecological services, and the potential market/buyers for the created ecological services in the area.
- community watershed user cooperative’ (CWUCs) willingness to accept payment for the ecological services to sustainably manage the natural resources.
- analysis of existing value chain for ecosystem service marketing in the areas and design of alternative market exchange mechanisms or schemes for the ecological service marketing in the areas.
- Final report, that incorporated comments and suggestions of the GIZ CLM technical team, both in soft and hard copies.
TERM OF REFERENCE (TOR) : The TOR with specification of inputs/ Price Quotation template for the assignment is attached.
Consultant Information: Please provide the following information:
- Consultant name:
- Physical address.
- Phone and fax number
- E-mail address:
Pricing Quotation:
- Prices must be expressed in ETB. The consultant should clearly state unit price (per expert day) in ETB including all government taxes and payables as well as related cost.
Conditions of Tender:
- GOPA Worldwide Consultants reserves the right to cancel the tender and look for alternative ways fully or partially.
- GOPA Worldwide Consultants reserves the right to alter the dates of the tender timetable.
- GOPA Worldwide Consultants will inform each respondent to the tender of the decision on their offer through a letter of engagement if successful, or otherwise by email. GOPA Worldwide Consultants is not obliged to justify or explain selection to any respondent. Respondents are encouraged to contact. GOPA Worldwide Consultants for any information required to submit a competitive bid.
Category: Environmental Assessment
- Tenders submitted must be accompanied with:
- Renewed consultancy business license for the year 2016 E.C. in the field required. A government withholding tax of 30% will apply for professional consultants without business license.
- TIN registration certificate.
- CV of principal researcher and field research assistants.
- Evidence of past related works performances.
Consultant profile
- Academic credential of second degree or above from a known higher education institution in the fields, of rural development, agricultural economics; natural resource and environmental economics; and other related fields.
- Evidence of past performance record on similar works and other relevant credentials
- Statement of Declaration in compliance to GOPA Worldwide Consultants policy.