Education Project Officer for SFP-CCACE – Save the Children

Development and Project Management, Education, Social Sciences and Community

Save the Children

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Ethiopia and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

Save the Children Ethiopia works in 9 regions in Ethiopia with a current staff complement of approximately 2,500 staff. The size of the programme and the amount of human, financial and material resources put into it as well as the requirements of different donors requires substantial amount of quality and efficient human resource. This makes Save the Children an exciting place to work.

Accordingly, Save the Children Ethiopia is looking to hire creative individuals who have the experience and competencies to work; support the development of an organisational culture that reflects dual mandate values; help establish, maintain, and improve active and regular working relationships with host government authorities, partner agencies including humanitarian and development donors, and local and international NGOs; ensure Ethiopia Country Office complies with all Save the Children Management Operating Standards and Standard Operating Procedures and that all required support is provided promptly, at scale and in line with the rules and principles.


Planning and Reporting:

v  Prepare annual and quarter plan in line with project design document and in collaboration with woreda/zone education office and ensure timely submission of project plan.

v  Carry out close follow up and monitoring, collect data, prepare and submit project report timely

v  Ensure that project reports incorporated the impacts of school feeding on children’s enrolment, retention and overall academic performance

v  Make sure that monitoring data is disaggregated by gender, IDPs, CWDs and host community children who participated in pre and primary education and benefitted from school feeding.



Planning and Reporting:

v  Prepare annual and quarter plan in line with project design document and in collaboration with woreda/zone education office and ensure timely submission of project plan.

v  Carry out close follow up and monitoring, collect data, prepare and submit project report timely

v  Ensure that project reports incorporated the impacts of school feeding on children’s enrolment, retention and overall academic performance

v  Make sure that monitoring data is disaggregated by gender, IDPs, CWDs and host community children who participated in pre and primary education and benefitted from school feeding.

Coordination and Management of Projects Implementation

v  Work in close collaboration and coordination with woreda and zone education offices, school teachers, PTAs in matter related to safe return to school, student enrolment, school feeding, baseline assessment, project monitoring and evaluation

v  Ensure that target children both boys and girls, CWDs and IDPs are equally participated in education services and school feeding program

v  Strengthen inter sectoral integration that education, Wash and school feeding activities are well integrated and implemented accordingly

v  Responsible that the GPE project is implemented in ways responsive to children, teachers and the community

v  Ensure project implementation is in accordance with Save the Children strategies, values and donor compliance

v  Work with teachers, school principals and WEO office to make target schools are child friendly and are free from abuse and violence

v  In close collaboration with the Project Manager and other support units (at Field Office level) , WEO and other government stakeholders, facilitate on time implementation of the project activities based on the action plan and ensure implementation quality

v  Ensure active participation of children and other stakeholders in the project activities implementation

Supervision and Monitoring

v  In collaboration with project manager and government stakeholders, maintain strong supervision and monitoring system to measure achievement and progress toward the project objectives and expected outcomes and impacts

v  Conduct joint monitoring and supervision with relevant stakeholders such as WEO to identify project progress, gaps and challenges and to take immediate and appropriate actions towards improving project implementation quality.

v  Strengthen participatory and collaborative supervision and monitoring system including active participation of children

Capacity Building

v  Responsible to arrange and coordinate capacity building for relevant stakeholders such as teachers, WEO, PTAs and other community members on issues related to safe learning environment, gender sensitive approach, disability inclusion, child protection

v  Arrange experience-sharing among schools and other stakeholders.

v  Ensure that teachers have the required skills to deliver play based interactive teaching, gender sensitive and inclusive teaching and positive disciplining through training and coaching

v  Work with relevant stakeholders to ensure that WOE and parents are supported on distance/remote learning such as radio/TV and literacy and numeracy

v  Perform any other activities based on line manager’s assignment

Documentation and Learning

·       Contribute to the proper documentation of experiences and lessons (including pictures and video documentation) learned in the course of programme implementation.

·       Support the MEAL unit to organize and properly maintain database and information related to the programme.

·       Facilitates and participate in studies and reviews related to the programme.

·       Facilitates and ensure dissemination of information and study/reviews. 



  • Minimum of Degree  in Education and other social sciences
  • Minimum of 4 years working experience preferable with NGOs especially in development and emergency education projects.
  • Experience on school feeding program is an advantage
  • Team working and ability to work under pressure.
  • Computer skills (Microsoft word and excel).
  • Good communication skills – in English and local language.
  • Good organisation and attention to detail
  • Strong report writing skills
  • Knowledge of Afan Oromo  language is mandatory
  • Willingness and ability to work in hardship environment and meet tight deadlines.
  • Cultural and gender sensitivity
  • Experience in MS Office package (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Visio), web conferencing applications, and information and budget management systems.
  • Experience of coordinating activities across locations and with roving position
  • Knowledge of child safeguarding and protection 
