Terms of Reference for Individual Consultant to Conduct Conflict Assessment in East Hararge Zone Oromia Regional state – ZOA

Consultancy and Training
Almost four decades ago, ZOA was initiated as a true ‘civil society’ initiative. In 1973, a group of Christian students took a stand and organised support for refugees in Indo-China.[1] The 1970s were a time when large groups of people in Dutch society became involved in voicing political protest but the founders of the organisation took their voice one step further and emphasized the importance of responding in concrete and tangible ways. Their initiative became the starting point for the current organisation known as ZOA, and their original motivation remains today. ZOA has always emphasised the need to translate compassion and concern about the lives and circumstances of the displaced into concrete action.
Over the years, ZOA has grown from a small organisation, with limited capacity for practical support in only a few countries, to a professional organisation that runs high quality, integrated programmes for people affected by conflict or disaster in 10 to 15 African and Asian countries. In addition to receiving private support and funding from the Netherlands, ZOA has a variety of institutional donors and partners around the world. What has remained throughout its development is ZOA’s commitment and determination to contribute to bringing real, tangible, and sustainable change to the lives of people affected by conflict and disaster. Thus, the organisation serves as a means by which thousands of people in Dutch society can contribute to bringing hope to people in despair in a way that is compliant with contemporary professional standards for relief and development. As such, ZOA has remained a ‘civil society’ organisation with strong roots in Dutch society, particularly among Christians. We maintain a strong connection with our constituency through networks of schools, churches, businesses, private donors, and volunteers. At the same time, ZOA has developed into a reliable and effective partner to a variety of institutional actors in the Netherlands, Europe, and beyond.
What has also remained is the Christian inspiration. At ZOA, we are motivated by the biblical message of reconciliation and restoration for a broken world. We believe that Christian organisations like ZOA have a specific responsibility to contribute to bringing hope for the benefit of all people, particularly those in vulnerable positions. The gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to pursue and promote justice and to support people in situations of suffering and injustice, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
ZOA’s vision
“In a world full of conflict, injustice, poverty, and disaster, we want to contribute to signs of hope and restoration. We see this being revealed where people experience peace, justice, and mutual trust again, and where they regain personal dignity and confidence. ZOA acts and contributes with the biblical perspective of God’s Kingdom, which will bring reconciliation and restoration to its full extent. Meanwhile, God calls us to do justice and be faithful to people that need our support.”
ZOA Mission
“ZOA supports people who suffer because of armed conflict or natural disasters, in helping them to rebuild their livelihoods. We call on our constituency and partners, in the North and in the South, to take responsibility and get involved. We provide maximum added value to those we support and those who support us.”
Terms of Reference for Individual Consultant
to Conduct Conflict Assessment in East Hararge Zone Oromia Regional state
1. Introduction
EHZ is one of the largest zones in Oromia, with a population of almost 4 million, of which 85% are rural population. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for most people in the highlands, whereas animal rearing is practiced in the lowlands of EHZ. The zone is faced with conflict, (for example around issues of land ownership, such as boundaries, cultivable lands, and water points, between ethnic Oromo and Somali groups in border regions, or between host communities and returning IDPs), an influx of large numbers of returning IDPs, locust invasions and water shortages. The main project activities in EHZ will be conducting a conflict- and needs assessment and conducting awareness-raising activities to inform communities about their rights related to land, create or respectively strengthen dispute resolution mechanisms, as well as solving community disputes. The assessment and initial activities will provide more detailed context information on the status of land-related issues and needs in Oromia state and create an entry point for more comprehensive future interventions in that area.
Thus ZOA will conduct conflict analysis based on the organizational guiding principles and land right policy as well as by incorporating participatory; culturally sensitive; affirming and positive while honest and productively critical and valuing knowledge and other approaches. ZOA also will apply this approach to the Land utilization and conflict analysis which will be carried out in consultation and participation with key relevant stakeholders, appropriate community groups, or key civil society individuals. The goal of the study is to identify the awareness and capacities of local communities and key stakeholders on issues related to land rights according to regional and national policies and regulations as well as international standards.
2. Objective of the study
To Identify the potential source of conflict in Local communities and Their traditional handling mechanism as well as government capacity to address land-related conflict so that the priority areas of awareness creation will be identified. Specifically the study will:-
- Identify a potential source of conflict in targeted areas
- Identify the utilization mechanism of land and other natural resources
- Asses Gender and Age-related barriers in the utilization of land and other resources
- Identify the traditional impact on the utilization of land and other natural resources
- Assess the capacity and gaps of local government in land governance, administration, and handling resource-based conflict
- To develop capacity building plans for existing conflict resolution mechanisms and develop new strategies for to create conflict resolution mechanisms
- Identify community awareness of Land Tenure and submit compliance.
3. Scope of the study
This is a conflict assessment study to be conducted in Oromia Regional state particularly in East Harage Zone. The study will collect relevant information on conflicts resulting from Land use, administration and governance in East Harage as well as the impacts, trend and magnitude of the conflict on socio economic and welfare of the community. The study will also fucus on finding the Land administration, governance, ownership mechanisms in light of national and international policies and standards for land administration and governance- laws, decrees, regulations and principles.
4. Methodology
A mix-method approach and methodology will be used to gather key data to find out the intended outcome. The methodologies will include Key Informant interviews, Individual HHs surveys, and Focus group discussions.
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key informants in targeted areas of East Hararge Zone, such as community leaders, religious leaders, artists, CSOs leaders, government officials, stakeholders, etc. Key informant interviews will be providing information about the context of land rights and conflict issues in the zone, the stakeholders of conflicts, efforts that have been done for conflict transformation and influential CSOs. This information will be used in identifying existing capacity and gaps in land rights and conflict handling mechanisms.
Surveys: A community-based survey will be conducted to be able to collect the primary data. This short survey will collect quantitative data on a general understanding of conflict, especially on issues such as gender-based violence, land and resource conflict, and religious or identity-based conflict. To do the survey effectively and appropriately, the consultant will calculate a proper total sample size based on the total population universe in the targeted area using a scientific sample size calculation formula. The total sample size will then be distributed proportionately and a survey will be carried out inclusive of gender, age, religion, and ethnicity (if and where appropriate). The consultant is responsible for conducting the perception survey in the target area including arranging the enumerators for the survey. The consultant can include the survey budget in the proposal.
Focus Groups: A focus group will be conducted to measure the knowledge of land and resource conflict, Gender, and religious or identity-based conflict as well as the impact of traditional practice on resource utilization among different groups of the community.
5. Qualification and evaluation criteria of the Consultant
- Strong knowledge and Experience in research and Design Monitoring & Evaluation experience in conflict or development programs
- Minimum MA and above level degree in Conflict Resolution, Economics, Development Economics, Sociology, or other related social science fields
- Proven quantitative and qualitative research skills
- Strong background in participatory design, monitoring, and evaluation methodologies
- Knowledge of the use of conflict management curriculum, behavior change communications, and media
- Fluent in English, Amharic and Oromo language is highly desirable.
6. Duration
The total number of working days for the assessment will be 35 days from the date of signing the contract in between September 1 to October 5, 2022
Hiring the data collectors and supervisors |
5 days |
Brief on Conflict Analysis for consultancy team |
1 day |
Submission of inception report and study design |
5 days |
Data collection in the field |
13 days |
Submission of the first draft of a conflict study report |
5 days |
Submission of the final draft of conflict analysis after incorporation of comments |
4 days |
Submission of final edited report |
2 days |
7. Logistical Support
ZOA will provide preparatory and logistical assistance to the consultant(s), which include:
- Background materials (Program Proposal/TOR, Log Frame, etc.)
- Preparation meeting with Area Manager, Project manager, and other key staff
- Identify interviewees and set up interviews
- Meeting arrangements with stakeholders and HHs Respondents
- A logistical arrangement in the project location only
8. Deliverables
Based on the scope of the work , the individual consultant expected to deliver the following during and after conflict analysis.
- An inception report incorporating framework for the conflict analysis which include detail research methodologies and tools of the data collection
- Training manuals for data collectors and supervisors
- First draft report including identified conflict ,land and natural resources related analysis, cases developed, individual stories with conflict analysis related information which is not more than 40 pages excluding annexes
- Capacity development plans for existing conflict resolution mechanisms and develop new strategies for to create conflict resolution mechanisms
- Recommendations for future activities/intervention and approaches
- Final report incorporating comments from different stakeholders including donor
- Presentation of the conflict analysis findings in a workshop for the project stakeholders; and
- PPT presentation of the of the conflict analysis
- Appendices include collected data, a detailed description of the methodology with research instruments, a list of interviewees, a bibliography, and an evaluator(s) brief biography.
12.Terms of Payment
Once the individual consultant selected, the following terms of payment will apply: –
- 20 percent of the total amount shall be paid upon signing of the contractual agreement
- 40 percent shall be paid up on submission of the draft conflict analysis report
- 40 percent shall be paid after submission of the final conflict analysis report and got approval from ZOA Country Office MEAL team and donor.
13.Time frame for the Assignment
The best practice and documentation is expected to commence on September 1, 2022 with anticipated latest completion date on October 5, 2022. The duration of the assignment shall not take more than 35 working days including travel, field work, report preparation and submission of the final report. The consultant should indicate a breakdown of timeframe showing the detail work plan and expected dates for each phase of the conflict analysis work.
Required Documents
Potential individual consultant is required to submit the following documents together with their technical and financial proposal.
- Covering letter which express consultant interest to carry out the work per TOR
- Updated CV of the conflict analysis team members
- Copies of similar or related previous works research team member have produced in undertaking relevant studies
- A renewed license for the year 2022 and TIN number.
15.Technical Proposal Review Criteria
There are common (generic) criteria for technical proposal review developed by ZOA MEAL team. The technical proposal weighs 70% and each criterion has its description as well as value as follows:
S.N |
Criteria |
Descriptions |
Weight (%) |
1 |
Understanding of the TOR |
This criterion will cover the individual consultant’s understanding and reflection on the terms of reference. It considers how deep the consultant understood the work including the scope? How such understanding is explained and linked with the subsequent criteria (e.g. with the approach/methodology, his team composition, etc.) How consistent is the understanding of the TOR reflected in the various sections of the technical proposal?
10% |
2 |
Experience of the Firm in related work |
This captures the experiences of the consultant in of having specific and hands-on experience on conducting conflict analysis and other related assessments related with host communities and boarder areas. This will make a strong component of the criteria |
18% |
3 |
Professional team composition and qualifications |
The conflict analysis should have at least an MSC level qualification in Economics, Community Development, sociology, conflict resolution, Agricultural Economics, conflict and disaster, publication and documentation . The team members should also have a minimum of 5 years relevant quantitative and qualitative research experience and especially, on conflict analysis , case development, story development and etc |
12% |
4 |
Methodology (quality of assessment tools |
The consultant should clearly describe its choice of approach for the various phases and objectives, and strong justification should be provided for each of the suggested approaches Critical review shall be made on the proposed approaches. Generic presentation of the methodology section e.g. proposing approaches without linking with the objectives will result in very lower scores. Hence, the technical proposal shall be reviewed with distinct and relevant approaches as per each of the objectives. Thus, the consultant shall propose appropriate approaches that are cost efficient and justified as well depend on the TOR; |
25% |
5 |
Timeframe/Work plan |
The assumption is to come up with feasible and cost effective approach as per the time frame suggested in this TOR ,there might be a number of ways to deliver tasks within the proposed timeframe, e.g., by deploying relevant (in terms of qualification and experience) and adequate (in |
5% |
Sub total |
70% |
6 |
Financial |
Clear and reasonable financial plan |
30% |
Total Rate |
100% |
NB. Financial proposal will be opened/considered for those bidders that scored the technical proposal above 50 (out of 70).