Consultancy Service for Assessment on the Demand for Short Term Vocational Skill Based Training – Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD)

Consultancy and Training

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD)

“ECDD envisions an inclusive Ethiopia, where persons with disabilities exercise the same rights and have access to the same services and opportunities enjoyed by other citizens”.

In 2005 several individuals in Ethiopia came together to discuss how to address the challenge of more effectively meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia, and ensuring their access to mainstream service delivery as well as development programs. They decided to create a new type of Ethiopian organization, one that would promote and facilitate disability inclusion, but not by providing disability or rehabilitation services to individuals. They decided to create an organization that would reflect, in its structure and programs, certain core values: majority governance by persons with disabilities and family members, gender equality, and positive bias (affirmative action) in the employment of staff. Finally, rather than create a membership organization of persons with disabilities, they decided to create an association composed of prominent individuals, both professionals with and without disabilities, 50% women, reflecting different aspects of society.

Thus the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) was born and registered with the Ministry of Justice in December 2005. Following the Charities and Societies Proclamation of 2009, ECDD was re-registered by the Charities and Societies Agency on 6 December 2012, as an Ethiopian Residents Charity, Registration No. 0321. By 2012 ECDD Association membership had grown to over 60 members and its staff had increased to 18 full-time employees, over half of whom are persons with disabilities.Today ECDD has a staff of 42 persons with branch offices in Mekele, Tigray Region and in Hawassa in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State, and Local Disability Advisors in Afar, Somali and Oromo Regional States.

ECDD works collaboratively with other organizations to promote and facilitate “disability inclusive development” in Ethiopia – the inclusion of disability issues and persons with disabilities in mainstream government and non-governmental service delivery and development programs.

  ECDD action reflects the following core, cross-cutting organizational and operational principles and values:

  1. Disability Rights: Fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities, as specified in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  1. Non-discrimination: Non-discrimination on the basis of disability, age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or any other basis in its membership, staff, and programs
  1. Equal opportunity: Affirmative action, for qualified persons with disabilities and women, in recruitment, training, advancement and retention of staff
  1. Inclusion: Accessible premises, events, information and communications in all its action
  1. Integrity: Accountability and transparency in its program activities and finances
  1. Professionalism: Commitment to staff development and the competence and excellence of its full-time and part-time staff, and interns and volunteers
  1. Stewardship: Safe-guarding of community resources on behalf of those it serves
  1. Learning: Commitment to knowledge, learning and change as an organization in collaboration with its partners
  1. Family: Team spirit and sense of belonging among its personnel




Consultancy Service for Assessment on the Demand for Short Term Vocational Skill Based Training


Employment Opportunity in Addis Ababa and Hawassa


1.    Background

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) is an Ethiopian Development Organization established in 2005 and reregistered by Agency for Civil Society Organizations as Ethiopian Development Organization with a Certificate № 0321 under the Proclamation № 1113/2019. ECDD is working with other organizations to promote and facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and disability issues in mainstream service delivery and development programs envisioning an Inclusive Ethiopia where persons with disabilities exercise the same rights and have access to the same services and opportunities enjoyed by other citizens.

ECDD is currently implementing a project entitled “Employable: Catalyzing Youth with Disabilities (YwDs) find Pathways to Skills Development, (Self) Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods ”funded by See You Foundation with the goal of enabling targeted youth with disability to have sufficient income and resources to sustain productive and fulfilling lives. One of the planned activities in this project is undertaking Short Term Vocational Skill Based Training and Employment Opportunity Assessment. Therefore, ECDD is now seeking a consultancy firm/individual with the expertise and experience of conducting labor market assessment.

2.    General Objectives

 The main objective of this assessment is to find out demand driven skill-based training that can effectively leads to wage and self-employment opportunity based on market situation and existing gap in skill base of targeted beneficiaries (PWDs). The result of this assessment will be the basis to identify potential skill sectors to provide vocational trainings and support youth with disabilities to effectively engage in wage and self-employment.

 3.    Specific Objectives

 o   To find out the demand for skills/capabilities and employment opportunities for youth with disabilities that can be met by short term vocational skill-based trainings

o   To identify major skill gaps among youth with disabilities to engage in the employment opportunities.

o   To identify the relevance and gaps of the existing short term vocational skill-based trainings offered by TVET institutions as compared to the current market demand.

o   To identify potential volunteer craftsmen/companies willing to take part in the future training sessions

o   To identify type of jobs that are available in the market that can be filled by TVET graduates

o   To assess the capacity of TVET Institutions in relation to the provision of identified market- demanded courses.

o   To identify challenges faced by youth with disabilities who are provided with TVET short term vocational skill based training in getting access to wage and self-employment.

o   To find out viable small business opportunities together with starting capital in both Addis Ababa and Hawassa

o   To assess how private microfinance institutions provide small business loans and identify best approaches for linking TVET graduates to have access to such services

4.    Scope of Work

The assessment will be limited in Addis Ababa and Sidama region Hawassa city.

The scope of the study will be cover Sidama region Hawassa city administration where ECDD is implementing its projects. A detailed analysis of the existing and potential employment opportunities and enabling factors for TVET short term vocational skills training graduates will be analyzed. Seasonal trends affecting work and employment opportunities in Sidama region Hawassa city administration will be assessed. The quality, availability and accessibility of jobs in the employment sectors in Sidama region Hawassa city administration will be analyzed.

The consultant will visit and hold discussions with Private employers, TVETs, Job Creation Offices, Microfinance Institutions, and Graduated Youth with Disabilities to meet the stated objectives. 

 5.    Expected results:

The assessment report should include:

·         The sectors of employability most suitable in the labour market for youth with disabilities (Skill gaps in the market, specific type of jobs available and locations, level of skill required, etc);

·         The most employable skills training programs that can be offered to youth with disabilities;

·         Challenges faced by TVET graduates in getting employment, especially youth with disabilities, including attention to aspects of gender and location.

·         The existing TVET providers and their capacity to deliver quality market-driven skills training with a particular focus on youth with disabilities;

·         How private microfinance institutions provide small business loans and identify best approaches for linking TVET graduates to have access to such services with a particular focus on youth with disabilities;

·         Private and public opportunities to provide internships and employment for youth with disabilities (analyzing private and public employers attitude towards provision of internships & employments)

6.    Methodology

The consultant/consulting firm is expected to come up with the best approaches for undertaking this assessment. However, the following guiding principles should be taken into consideration:

o   Desk review of secondary data including project documents, reports, assessments, evaluations and previous labor market surveys.

o   Interviews with private sector employers, TVET centers, Job Creations offices, young people in age 15 – 29 in target areas, relevant government ministries and industries.

o   Extensive mapping of labor market needs through primary data collection.

o   Directly interviews  key Human resource management staff who undertake employment activities

o   Interview with a sample of the previous TVET graduates to explore what trainings worked and what did not yield employment to avoid those that did not work well.

o   Any other methods applicable.

 7.    Key Deliverables:

 o   Inception report: detailing the methodology including the main research methods, the sampling framework, proposed sources of data, procedures for data collection and analysis, and a draft but detailed table of contents. The proposed research tools will be discussed and approved by ECDD before data collection commences.

o   Revised first Draft Report, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from the reference group. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the Final Report can be produced,

o   A final report (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in DOC format)

o   An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the study data set.

o   A final presentation of the overall findings to the stakeholders for validation

 8.    Selection Procedure and Requirements

 o   Selection of consulting firms/individuals will be based on technical competency including but not limited to expertise and experience in the area of conducting assessment and/or market research

o   Realistic and feasible financial proposal will also determine successes outcomes of the consultancy offer.

1.    Qualifications and Expertise Required

 o   Post-graduate degree in Social Sciences, Business, Economics, Statistics or related field.

o   Minimum of 6 years relevant professional experience in research and labor market studies.

o   Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis.

o   Technical expertise in assessing issues of labor market demand and the ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.

o   Strong knowledge of TVET programs is essential.

o   Excellent communication and report writing skills.

 2.    Application Procedure and Requirements:

Interested firms or individuals are required to submit the following documents:

o   A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria for respondents.

o   Initial work plan based on methodology outlined, and indication of availability

o   Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references

o   Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.

o   Letter of award attesting previous work experience on similar activity

3.    Time Frame

 o   The first draft of the report shall be submitted to ECDD within 40 working days after the signing of the agreement;

o   The final work shall be delivered to ECDD in hard and soft copies not later than 10 working days after receipt of comments on the first draft from ECDD.

4.    Mode of Payment

 o   First installment of 40% of the total agreed fee upon the signing of the agreement;

o   Second installment of 20% upon submission of the draft assessment report

o   Final installment i.e. the 40% after submission of final assessment report
