Driver – Chemonics International Inc – FEWS NET


Chemonics International Inc – FEWS NET

Scope of Work


The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) is an integrated set of activities funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is intended to provide timely, accurate, evidence-based, and transparent food security early warning information and analysis. Created in 1985 in response to famines in East and West Africa, FEWS NET provides global coverage through a mix of presence and remote monitoring. FEWS NET’s work is implemented across several pillars by a team of partners that includes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, the United States Geological Survey, the University of California-Santa Barbara’s Climate Hazards Center, Kimetrica, and Chemonics International (Chemonics). Chemonics houses FEWS NET’s Early Warning Team (EWT), a team charged with integrated emergency food insecurity analysis through a Washington-based technical office and more than 20 field offices.

Based on an in-depth understanding of local livelihoods, EWT members monitor information and data on factors that affect food security, such as weather conditions and climate, crops, pasture, markets and trade, and nutrition. The FEWS NET EWT produces regular reports, including Food Security Outlooks and Outlook Updates, emergency alerts, market and price updates, and global weather hazards analyses. FEWS NET makes reports available at and distributes them globally to governments, relief agencies, and other organizations engaged in humanitarian response and development programs.

The seventh phase of FEWS NET began in 2019. The work of FEWS NET EWT relies on close collaboration with international, regional, and national partners on food security data and information gathering and analysis. Major activities include joint monitoring and assessments, data exchanges, collaborative analysis and reporting, and technical capacity strengthening. FEWS NET supports local and regional food security networks to contribute to achieving the global objective of food security for all.

Position Description

The main responsibilities are driving and maintaining the project vehicle. The driver reports to the Office Manager/Accountant (OMA) who is responsible for coordinating the driver’s assignments and supervising the driver’s work.


  • Drive and maintain the project vehicle.
  • As assigned and/or preapproved by the driver’s supervisor, drive assigned project vehicle daily, including on scheduled field trips, project-related trips within Addis Ababa and other driving assignments as required.
  • Clean assigned vehicle both inside and out.
  • Check assigned vehicle weekly to ensure that it is operational and safe to drive. At least on a weekly basis, check the oil, radiator, fan belt, brake fluid, wipers, tires, lights, and signals.
  • Initiate and supervise any repairs required on assigned vehicles with supervisor’s approval.
  • Initiate and supervise routine periodic maintenance of assigned project vehicles, including oil and filter changes, tune-ups, and professional cleaning by high-pressure hose based on the manufacturer’s instructions on optimum maintenance requirements.
  • Fulfill project reporting requirements and maintain records on vehicle routing and vehicle condition.
  • Ensure passenger safety by obeying traffic laws, driving carefully, and ensuring each person in the vehicle wears a seatbelt.
  • Ensure vehicle logbook is properly maintained

Location and Reporting

The Project Driver will be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and is directly supervised by the Office Manager/ Accountant (OM/A). The driver will be required to travel within Ethiopia including some potential travel in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • Completion of Secondary School required; Fluency in English required
  • Valid 3rd Grade Ethiopia Driver’s License and above
  • Minimum of four (4) years of experience; experience working for a U.S. company or NGO in Ethiopia highly preferred
  • Understanding of auto mechanics required, certification in mechanics or automobile maintenance beneficial
  • Must be in good physical health
  • Available for overtime work and field travel is required
  • Excellent interpersonal and communications skills and
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility and integrity
