Senior M&E Officer(SMEO)-Ifor MBMF project – Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE

Development and Project Management
Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE
- Enhancing professional INTEGRITY by maintaining strong ethical base and professionalism while being accountable and transparent to its diverse stakeholders;
- Nurturing INNOVATION in the provision of user-friendly, context-specific and gender responsive sexual and reproductive health services;
- Scaling up EXCELLENCE by delivering high-quality sexual and reproductive health services through effective use of modern technologies, effective processes; gender-responsive programming and evidence-based decision making to satisfy clients’ needs and choices;
- Promoting VOLUNTEERISM by believing in the spirit of self-worth and sharing passion to bring changes in the lives of people and in achieving organizational goals;
- Respecting CLIENTS’ RIGHTS to bring about the highest possible level of satisfaction concerning their choices, safety, privacy, comfort and dignity.
- Building strong PARTNERSHIP to maintain sustainable synergy in delivering quality sexual reproductive health services to the community;
- Design or update as appropriate project monitoring and evaluation framework in coordination with the SI&KM Team Leader;
- Collaborate with the Senior Research Officer in designing and conducting SRH related studies including operations research
- Participate in the appraisal of research design and review of study reports undertaken by external consultants before publication and/or sharing.
- Actively work to compile and report current program progress updates, highlight issues and concerns emanating from field supervision notes, study reports, and trends in monthly service statistics.
- Initiate, identify and propose necessary baseline study, mid-term review, and final evaluation of program level interventions.
- Operationalize the M&E Plan of FGAE for systematic and timely implementations of supervision, monitoring and evaluation activities at all levels
- Assist the TL- SI&KM in ensuring the timely delivery of M&E plans as well as the proper utilization of allocated budget.
- In collaboration with the Training Unit and Senior Research Officer, undertake competency based need assessment informing capacity building interventions
- Assist the TL- SI&KM in facilitating and cascading M&E/KM/MIS related training activities at Association and Area Office levels.
- In close coordination with M&E Officers at HQ and AOs level, he/she track progress of programs / projects monthly and analyze trends for appropriate actions
- In close collaboration with other pertinent work units and departments of FGAE, he/she initiate and facilitate integrated supportive supervision at least half yearly
- Support the TL- SI&KM in organizing, coordinating and facilitating quarterly, bi-annual and annual review meetings.
- Participate in the preparation of Annual Plan Budget of the Unit once in every year
- Take corrective measures by checking the proper aggregation, dis-aggregation, compilation, analysis and presentation of various programs
- Support the TL- SI&KM in compiling, analyzing and presenting the Association-wide service statistics data for review meetings
- Assists AOs and work units undertake branch performance tool (BPT) and vulnerability assessment and review results to inform appropriate decisions.
- Support other concerned units in updating costing, user fee, and cost recovery database as well as strategies.
- Participate in the development and revision of tools for client satisfaction survey and quality of care assessment
- Ensures the timely entry and submission of the electronics information management system (eIMS) database of FGAE semi-annually and annually.
- Prepare yearly statistical abstracts of the Association;
- Represent the SI&KM unit on behalf of the Team Leader upon delegation
- Carries out other similar activities as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Qualification in Relevant Field of Study:– MA/MPH/BSc/BA in Statistics; demography, Public Health, Health Informatics and related studies
Minimum Years of Relevant Experience:- 3 years for MA/MPH of which must have a minimum one year experience after graduation, or 5 years of experience for BSc/BA degree after graduation, shall posses an experience in similar position in an NGO or a donor funded project, research, dissemination and Knowledge sharing
Desirable:– Knowledge of use of statistical packages and M&E and research software, documentation etc. Computer skill in relevant software desired
As per the Scale of Association