Senior Anti-Corruption Officer – Global Insurance Company S.C

Banking and Insurance

Global Insurance Company S.C

Global Insurance Company (S.C.) (GIC) is a Private Insurance Company which was established in March 1997 by 23 founding Shareholders, with a paid-up capital of Birr 3.75 million.

Now it has matured to Birr 150.6 Million paid-up and Birr 250 Million authorized capital. GIC has 176 shareholders, as of June 2020; total asset worth over Birr 413 Million and operating in its own building located at Addis Ababa, Gobena Abba Tigu Street (Somale Tera). GIC is currently rendering its general insurance services through its 21 branches and one contact office situated in Addis Ababa and different parts of the country. The company which started its business operation with less than 25 employees has now a total staff of 224 employees. In addition to its core business of general insurance, the company provides modern vehicles inspection service at its own Kality recovery yard, opposite to Kality Sub-City Administration Office and in Harar town.

BA Degree in LAW, Management and related fields of study

6 years relevant work experience
