Resilient WE – NRM, Climate Smart Agriculture and Energy Efficient Technologies Advisor – World Vision Ethiopia

Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resource

World Vision Ethiopia

World Vision began its ministry in Ethiopia in the early 1970s and opened a national office in Addis Ababa in 1975.  World Vision operated emergency response programmes during the 1984 famine, followed by a period of rehabilitation (1986-87) and a self-review that came up with the concept of Area Development Programmes (ADPs) as a model.
World Vision’s work in Ethiopia contributes to the well-being of vulnerable children in partnership with the church, civil society and the government. Initiatives include education, food security, health, HIV and AIDS, water, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as sponsorship management. All programmes are implemented with the goal of addressing the strategic and basic needs of children while supporting and building the capacity of families and communities. 

      Lead environment impact assessment (EIA) study, establish GHG baselining and ensure EIA & GHG baseline included into the project baseline and MAEL framework

      EIM & GHG stablished, included into baseline and translated into each year DIP towards expected outcomes

      Lead the context specific technology and practice identification, integration of NRM, climate smart agriculture and energy efficient technology into each year DIP towards empowering women & girls;

      Develop and undertake evidence-based analytics and studies/stories related to NRM and climate change responses to inform project activities, contribute to boarder Global Climate Change (GCC) and SDG directions;

      Women centered and climate smart NRM, climate smart agriculture and energy efficient technology included into each year DIP as per context

      Contribution to GCC & SDG directions clearly planned, executed, documented and reported

      Lead capacity gap identification and capacity building of AP & Non-AP Climate Smart Agriculture, NRM & Energy Efficient Technologies Officers, IP & key stakeholders through providing training, field monitoring and creating cross;

      Provide hands-on technical assistance to RESILIENT WE staff its partners in implementation of NRM and CSA & energy efficient technologies; Field staff, IP and stakeholders get capacitated

      Closely work with RESILIENT WE sub-sector Officers and particularly around women & girls centered innovative, environmentally friendly integrated DRR/adaptation activities development process.

      Ensure RESILIENT WE NRM, Climate Smart Agriculture and Energy Efficient Technologies activities sequentially integrated during planning, implementation & scaling up,

      Ensures that partners, stakeholders and community receive adequate assistance in the implementation of project;

      Reviews DRR committees Action Plan for sounds NRM and CCA interventions and budgets; DIPs get sequentially integrated as per context, DRR system in place and EET accessing system get connected

      Ensure RESILIENT WE NRM & Climate Smart Agriculture activities leverage resources from government, research  and with community mobilization work, Resources both in labor, kind and cash leveraged. The leveraged resources types and money values get recoded and reported

      Ensure RESILIENT WE scaling principles such as co-learning, cost effectiveness, inclusiveness, climate smart, sustainability and scalability  mainstreamed in to day to day project rolling out

      Works closely with the MEAL to assist partners in the design and implementation of baseline data collection, studies and surveys for planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects;

      Monitors project progress of NRM, CSA & EET related activities through field visits and meetings with partners and beneficiaries, and review of staff reports and provide constructive feedback to partners and project staff; Increased effectiveness and sustainability

      Ensure at different level required women & girls centred CBO/FBOs established/strengthened at village, Kebele, Woreda & zonal leveles, empowered and lead;

      Build and maintain effective communications and pro-active relationships with partners at the regions, including visits by donors Women leadership & ownership established Effectively communicated

      Ensure at different level required women & girls centred CBO/FBOs established/strengthened, empowered and get ready to lead,

      Ensure projects officers facilitate women and girls centered producer, saving and other forms of economic development groups and legalize the CBOs/FOs/FBOs established or strengthened Projects officers facilitate women and girls centered producer, saving and other forms of economic development groups established or strengthened

      Works closely with the MEAL & KM Advisor to assist partners in the design and implementation of baseline data collection, studies and surveys for planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects The value chain sub-sector inclusion into MAEL framework inclusion and subsequent tracking confirmed

      Ensure the documentation of successful practices, publications, development of presentations and technical documents and opportunities for reflection within the organization as well as outside the organization Evidence data collected, analyzed, shared and documented

      Read the RESILIENT WE Proposal & its Logic Model (LM), extract impacts, outcomes, outputs & activities and understand expected from Value chain & marketing advisor Produce draft major areas of the sub0sector & discuss with HO level RESILIENT WE and other concerned staff

      • University degree preferably M.Sc in climate smart agricultural, landscape development, natural resources management, field of study, Training and knowledge in climate smart agricultural, landscape development, natural resources management & energy efficient technologies Training in publication & developing story

      • At least 6 years working experience in leading climate smart agricultural, landscape development, natural resources management, energy efficient technologies  or at least two of the thematic areas of complex integrated project
      • Must have a clear understanding of major donors’ perspectives, requirements and standards
      • Must have proven analytical/ problem solving abilities
      • Experiences in computer words, excel and other facilities management
      • Verifiable proven research experience in climate smart agricultural, landscape development, natural resources management, energy efficient technologies 
      • Excellent interpersonal skills – builds good relationships with internal and external stakeholders and maintain effective collaboration with all staff

        • Excellent skill in producing quality & timely report
        • Appropriate skills and experience in the capacity building and training of staff and partners;
        • Rich experience in handling productive meeting
        • Rich experience communication
        • Good knowledge of oral and written English language. 
