REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – World Resources Institute/WRI/

Consultancy and Training, Economics

World Resources Institute/WRI/

Recruitment of a short-term research consultant – System Thinking, System Dynamics Training


WRI intends to award a Fixed Price Research Contract for a local consultant to organize and deliver a System Thinking, System Dynamics training, with practical hands-on exercise on the theory and tools and their application to better equip technical experts in the Government of  Ethiopia with required level of understanding, knowledge, and skill. Training will be inclusive of insights for improve understanding of the Ethiopia Green Economy Model (GEM), a System Dynamics representation of Ethiopia’s climate, environment and socio economic systems used for climate-development policy analyses. GEM has been used by Ethiopia policy makers for appraisal of policies included in Ethiopia’s 10 years perspective plan, for the Nationally Determined Contributions update, and is currently being used in the design of the country’s Low Emission Development Strategy. A version of the GEM with associated data is to be made available for the Consultant ahead of the training.


The selected individual consultant will provide technical support to the NCE Ethiopia policy analysis and modelling work across the following scope of activities:

Following virtual training of self-paced activities, this in-person training will introduce participants to

  • Core concepts on system thinking and modelling and
  • Hands-on, guided exercises with simple models to learn implications for dynamic  behavior of bringing different types of model structures. As the intuition is built participants will then be introduced to and provided with
  • An overview and hands on exercises on Ethiopia Green Economy Model
  • Participants will also be introduced to a GEM user interface for gaining understanding on  ways to advance scenario analyses

Deliverables and Timeline

In consultation with the WRI NCE Ethiopia team the consultant will work from the date of contract signature (ideally March 2022) through May 2022 latest, and will be responsible for:

Preparation of training materials

  • Hands-on-training materials and exercises with simple models to learn  implications for dynamic behavior of bringing different types of model structures.
  • As the intuition is built participants will then be introduced to GEM

Delivery of in-person training

  • Proposed May 23rd – 27th, 2022 with some flexibility to work around consultants  timeline

Timeline: 20 April (or date of signature of the contract, whichever is earlier) to 31 May 2022.

For more information click here: rfp-system-thinking-system-dynamics-training-short-term-consultant.pdf

Requirements (preferred – the ideal candidate will offer a selection of these competencies)

  • Master’s Degree and above forest economics, resources economics, forestry or similar land use science-policy background required;
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in system dynamics, systems thinking modelling approaches
  • Experience in working with national and subnational government structures in Ethiopia;
  • Experience in planning, organizing and implementing capacity building platforms;
  • Experience of working with international teams is a plus; and
  • Excellent English drafting reporting skill.

Proposal content Prospective consultant should submit: 

  • A statement of interest describing the proposed individual competencies and how it meets the above requirements; 
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV); 10 G Street, NE Suite 800 Washington, DC 20002 USA (PH) +1 (202) 729-7600 (FAX) +1 (202) 729-7610 
  • Examples of and references for similar previous work; 
  • An outline of the proposed methods of working and illustrative workplan; 
  • A proposed budget with a breakdown of costs sufficient to assess reasonableness and compliance with our funder requirements.

Please also include a competitive payment schedule associating amounts with work milestones.
