Call for Paper ToR – Ministry of Labor and Skills
Research and Development
Ministry of Labor and Skills
Despite achievements in economic growth in various sectors, Ethiopia is confronted with challenges such as high unemployment rate and workforce skill mismatch. Policy reforms informed by research findings are required to address such challenges which is why the Ministry of Labor and Skills (MoLS) is planning to organize a panel as a component of the 2022 National Job Summit to bring together a group of diverse scholars and experts who share a common interest in the topic providing a platform for intellectual discussion and debate.
The main purpose of conducting a panel discussion is to discuss the challenges of youth unemployment in the country including skill mismatch and luck of entrepreneurial skills in the labor force. Moreover, the panel is intended to explore these topics to come up with recommendations for policy improvement to eventually alleviate youth unemployment.
There will be three paper presentations on the 2022 National Job Summit exploring the Ethiopian Labor Market. Paper presentations will be solicited through an open call via the Ministry’s website & Facebook page and other convenient media. Scholars who have research papers on the areas listed in the “thematic areas” part are encouraged to submit their papers via the email written in the “submission” part for review. A group of experienced senior scholars will evaluate paper submissions and select three best papers to be presented on the 2022 National Job Summit.
Thematic areas
- The major topics for the presentation are supposed to focus on the labor market of Ethiopia and papers focusing the below specific subject matters will have a better advantage of being selected:
- Skilled labor force, skill development and skill mismatch
- Economic growth and unemployment
- Labor Market linkage and intermediation
- The financial sector of Ethiopia and job creation
- Entrepreneurship and job creation
- The ease of doing business and job creation
- Labor demand and supply dynamism
- Covid-19 pandemic and employment
Selection Criteria to be considered (reviewers are free to add selection criteria)
- The research could be both quantitative and qualitative
- The authors educational background should be economics, Development Studies, Policy Studies, Sociology and related disciplines
- The paper should not be more than 8,000 words written in Calibri 11 font size
- It should have strong policy level recommendations