Bid announcement for Design, Development & Implementation of Electronic Medical Record System/Client Management Information System/ – Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE

Consultancy and Training

Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – FGAE

All people in Ethiopia enjoy Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
To deliver comprehensive, integrated, quality and gender-sensitive SRH programs and services focusing on youth, undeserved & vulnerable population.
Core Values 
FGAE strongly believes in:
  • Enhancing professional INTEGRITY by maintaining strong ethical base and  professionalism while being accountable and transparent to its diverse stakeholders;
  • Nurturing INNOVATION in the provision of user-friendly, context-specific and gender responsive sexual and reproductive health services;
  • Scaling up EXCELLENCE by delivering high-quality sexual and reproductive health services through effective use of modern technologies, effective processes; gender-responsive programming and evidence-based decision making to satisfy clients’ needs and choices;
  • Promoting VOLUNTEERISM by believing in the spirit of self-worth and sharing passion to bring changes in the lives of people and in achieving organizational goals;
  • Respecting CLIENTS’ RIGHTS to bring about the highest possible level of satisfaction concerning their choices, safety, privacy, comfort and dignity.
  • Building strong PARTNERSHIP to maintain sustainable synergy in delivering quality sexual reproductive health services to the community;


The Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE), established in 1966, is a volunteer-based, not-for profit charity Association providing Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services. FGAE is an accredited member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), joining the Federation since 1970.The Association is known to have pioneered Family Planning (FP) services in Ethiopia.

Currently, FGAEs client level data management is mainly rely on manual system comprised of demographic, client card, clinical notes and various printed log books. Pro paper system and its associated drawbacks includes error prone implementation, space demand for data back, continuous investment need of resupply, limited data safety and security, confidentiality, time consuming and energy intensive consolidation efforts are among the pushing factors for the initiation of transformation agenda from manual to automated data management system.  

The purpose of this bidding is, therefore, to engage competitive consulting firms who can develop, implement, and automate the Associations’ clinic level client data management process with well-versed and interoperable e-CMIS initiatives.

Description of the Assignment

Major purposes of this assignment are (but not limited) to:-

  • To establish an automated client data management /Electronic Medical Record/ system and enhance FGAE client data management practices
  • To create well versed, comprehensive, user friendly and dynamic EMR system capable of addressing the emerging data need by varied stakeholders
  • To develop a system compatible with the current technology advancement in data management practices in reporting and recording platforms like DHIS 2, imaging devices and laboratory instruments. 
  • To assist system driven evidence based decision making at service delivery points by service providers and program managers for improved client care

Interested consulting firms can participate in the bid to offer the service as per a Terms of Reference (ToR) prepared for this purpose. Applicants can collect the ToR within 21 calendar days beginning from March 28, 2022 from  FGAE, Head Office room no. 5 at a non-refundable fee of birr 100. (This bid is also available at

Application procedure

All bidders are required to submit separate technical and financial proposals in sealed and stamped envelopes (one original and one copy for each) at the Head Office to room no. 1 (at Reception) on or before April 18, 2022 at 12:00 (Lunch time).  Bid proposal shall be accompanied by a bid security of 1% of the bid in the form of CPO or bank guarantee.

Applicants are required to fulfill the following minimum requirement:

  • They should be legally registered and shall present renewed trade license ;
  • They should have VAT and TIN registration certificate;
  • They should be able to provide organizational profile and the CVs of individuals who are going to take part in the system development & implementation;
  • They should demonstrate good deal of previous experience working in software development  preferably in EMR for SRH service and/or Medical system development, in web-based software development;
  • They should demonstrate advanced knowledge in data base implementation, configuration, and troubleshooting of database instances
  • They should have mix of expertise from diverse professional background including Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Health, Project management, Supply and Logistic and Finance with immense experience on health care data management system

The bid will be opened on April 18, 2022 at 2:00 PM (after lunch) at FGAE Head office in the presence of bidders who choose to attend the opening. FGAE reserves the right to partially or fully cancel the bid.
